
Latest Issue

  • County Hall Corner: April Anniversaries0

    April is a special month for me as a writer for Webb Weekly. It was in April of 2014 that I wrote my first article, a LION (Leader in our Neighborhood), on Kathy Fenstamaker, a mother who hosted headbanger bands for young people. For the next two years, I wrote over 80 columns on all

  • Skills USA Holds Recent Community Health Clinic0

    Community health screenings are an important tool in preventive medicine, and it is with this in mind that students from Skills USA, at Central Mountain High School, held a Community Health Clinic in Mill Hall recently. The screenings included a series of pre-health screenings such as vital signs, blood sugar, blood pressure, and more! All

  • Williamsport City Wide Clean-Up To Be Held on Earth Day, April 220

    A citywide cleanup. What a great way to celebrate Earth Day. That’s the thinking of the folks who have organized the citywide cleanup for Saturday, April 22, which happens to be Earth Day. The City of Williamsport Recreation Department is partnering with Lycoming College, Penn College, and Newberry Community Partnership to host a citywide spring

  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters Annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake Event To Be Held Saturday, April 150

    One of the most interesting and unique fundraising events that benefits worthy causes in the area is the annual “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” event that benefits Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Northeastern Pennsylvania, which serves the Lycoming County area. It takes place Saturday, April 15 from 12 p.m. to 3:30 Faxon Bowling Lanes. Bowl for

  • Grit: April 14, 1963 – County Anti-Polio Campaign to Hit Peak Next Sunday0

    A campaign to eliminate crippling polio through mass immunization of area residents with Sabin oral vaccine will be climaxed next Sunday, April 21, when hundreds of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and volunteers staff the 33 immunization centers to dispense the Type 1 vaccine. Urging all-out participation in the campaign by the Lycoming County Medical Society and

  • County Hall Corner: History in the Making0

    In the March 1st issue of Webb Weekly, I wrote an article referencing a quote from Henry Ford, “Sorry, Henry, History is Not Bunk.” I used a poll of the “greatest athlete of all time” to prove how weak our country has become in understanding our history. To quote myself, “History is not ours to

  • FCFP Sponsors Earth Day Event0

    At Rider Park Saturday, April 22 April 22 is Earth Day, an occasion to celebrate and be aware of our environment and nature. The folks at the First Community Foundation of Pennsylvania have a perfect way to celebrate Earth Day with an event at Rider Park that day. FCFP officials state that three activities will

  • County Hall Corner: Planning for the Future0

    I am a year late in highlighting the 200th anniversary of the birth of the man considered to be the Father of American Landscape Architecture. Born on April 26, 1822, Frederick Law Olmsted’s most notable accomplishment was constructing Central Park and Prospect Park in New York City and designing 100 other public parks. Olmsted also

  • This Week’s LION: Mike McMunn and Vietnam Vets

    This Week’s LION: Mike McMunn and Vietnam Vets0

    When George Heiges stepped down from Director of the Office of Veteran Affairs for Lycoming County in June of 2019, I felt the position would be impossible to fill. In Director Heiges’ eight-year term, he had established Lycoming County as not only having one of the best Veterans Affairs Office in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

  • Williamsport Sun: April 6, 1932 – Costumes and Scenes for Play on Display in Store Windows0

    The Junior League of Williamsport is trying very hard to interest children in the play they will be presenting in the Curtin School Saturday afternoon and evening. It is the dramatization of the story that has become a classic in the children’s literature, “The Land of Oz.” To make it more vivid the costumes that

  • 62nd Annual West Branch Susquehanna Builders Home Show0

    Just as surely as the crocuses break through the earth and the days get longer, so too it is time for the annual West Branch Susquehanna Builders Home Show to be held from Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2 at the former Dick’s Sporting Goods Store, in the former Lycoming Mall. “I am super

  • Williamsport Sun: March 27, 1923 – Williamsport Opens Season on Home Grounds0

    The New York-Pennsylvania Baseball League, that is the name decided in a meeting in Binghamton tonight, is now an actual fact and is completely organized and ready to go into action. The meeting settled all questions harmoniously and is a compact and easy working machine with the clubs named composing it. Williamsport fared well in