
Latest Issue

  • Williamsport Sun: January 20, 1931 – Coming Automobiles Show to Reveal Faith of Dealer in Early Return to Prosperity0

    Williamsport’s automobile dealers filled with the energy that comes from the belief in the return of normal business this year, are joining to nationwide effort to lead trade revival. This revival is confidently expected to return in a short time, and Williamsport’s dealers will display their confidence in a big way — the 21st annual

  • County Hall Corner: The Amazing Manager Matt McDermott0

    When I was an international business trainer, I often opened a session with an icebreaker. My favorite was to ask the group what the difference between a leader and a manager was. It is a trick question because the name itself is the definition. A leader leads, and a manager manages. This crossed my mind

  • Donate Today!0

    I know, I know. Not Jimmy. Don’t worry, he’ll be back next week. Honestly, I’m not even 100% sure where he is. Sometimes he’s harder to keep track of than the elves I bring from the North Pole for the Christmas Coloring Contest. He left this morning mumbling something about scoring bucks and possibly going

  • Uptown Music Collective Show Features “Music That Made the Movies: Soundtracks That Rock”0

    The stage of the Community Arts Center will be again be alive with the sounds of the Uptown Music Collective as they take the stage to perform a show called “Music That Made the Movies: Soundtracks That Rock.” On Saturday, January 25. This electrifying show, presented by UPMC and chosen through the UMC’s annual People’s

  • Gazette and Bulletin: January 22, 1926 – The Mayor’s Warning: Wanted: Someone to Make Brandon Park Safe for Women0

    Mayor Gilmore warns women to stay out of Brandon Park after nightfall. “You can’t tell who is lurking behind trees and bushes,” he said. This too, despite the fact that Brandon Park is well within the city limits, where citizens are supposed to have a reasonable measure of police protection. Last summer when the “Gazette

  • County Hall Corner: Fired Up!0

    As much as our modern society has precautions and systems to prevent fires, they still happen, even in the wealthiest of areas. This is evidenced by the massive wildfires in California, specifically in the Los Angeles area, where over 180,000 people (the population of Lycoming, Clinton, Sullivan, and Union counties combined!) had been evacuated from

  • Harlem Wizards Return for Basketball Game at Magic Dome on January 23

    Harlem Wizards Return for Basketball Game at Magic Dome on January 230

    Since 1962, the Harlem Wizards have entertained and delighted audiences across the country while raising money for worthy causes. The Wizards will return to Williamsport on Thursday, January 23, at the Williamsport High School basketball court, affectionately known as the “Magic Dome.” This event will help raise funds for the Williamsport Area School District Education

  • Williamsport Sun: January 16, 1940 – Weather Unit Proposal from CAA Acceptable0

    City officials today discussed ways and means for providing electrical power for the weather unit which the Civil Aeronautics Administration has offered to establish at the Williamsport Airport. It appeared that the question of paying for the electricity which the equipment will use is the remaining issue to be agreed upon before the unit is

  • County Hall Corner: There is no “I” in “TEAM”0

    For the past year, the weekly Lycoming County Commissioner Meeting on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. is often as exciting as watching paint dry. In the past decade that I have been attending these meetings; many meetings were so wild they would have made a great rodeo show. However, these three commissioners, who are quite different

  • Wreaths Across America 2024 At Cedar Hill Cemetery, Mackeyville, PA

    Wreaths Across America 2024 At Cedar Hill Cemetery, Mackeyville, PA0

    A special Thank You to everyone who helped Heroes & Horses complete our mission to remember every Veteran laid to rest at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Mackeyville, PA. This mission brought a heartfelt ceremony that allowed us to honor these Veterans and their families. With this mission, we could teach the next generation the value

  • Starting Point Pre-School Begins Under Auspices of BlaST This Month0

    Prepare for liftoff! In response to the growing need for quality early childhood education for all children ages three to five in our community, Starting Point Preschool will be launching this month. It opened its doors this past Monday in Williamsport. According to a news release from BLaST, under whose auspices the new preschool will

  • Gazette and Bulletin: January 8, 1932 – Penitentiary Brings Boom0

    Union County’s great government project, the new federal penitentiary is providing work for some 400 men and is expected to bring a considerable boom to the college town. Aided by mild fall weather, the construction has progressed well within the contract schedule and the roofing of some of the buildings has started. The six dormitories