
Latest Issue

  • Tiadaghton Elm and Keystone Challenge Canoe/Kayak/SUP Events on the Susquehanna River

    Tiadaghton Elm and Keystone Challenge Canoe/Kayak/SUP Events on the Susquehanna River0

    On June 16th and 17th, two paddling events will be held on the Susquehanna River in the Jersey Shore area — The Tiadaghton Elm Canoe and Kayak Classic and the Keystone Challenge. On Saturday, June 16th, the long-running Tiadaghton Elm Canoe and Kayak Classic is held. This event is in its 54th year in 2018.

  • Grit: June 9, 1968: Somber Nation Pays Final Respects as Kennedy is Buried in Arlington0

    Robert F. Kennedy was buried on a gentle hillside tonight in the uncertain light of a full moon – and the flame flickering eternally over the grave of martyred President John F. Kennedy. The restless senator, who had aspired to follow his brother’s path to the White House, found serenity at last among the heroes

  • Annual Way’s Garden Art Show Sunday, June 100

    One of Williamsport’s greatest civic assets, Way’s Garden, will again be the site of the 62nd Annual Way’s Garden Art Show conducted by the Bald Eagle Art League. Additionally, the Way’s Garden Restoration Committee will use this occasion to help raise funds for its restoration efforts. The event takes place this Sunday, June 10 between

  • County Hall Corner: School Vigilance, Part 10

    The scourge of school shootings in recent years sends a shudder through every parent with a child in school because it seems that these horrors can hit anytime and anywhere. The worst part of the tragedies is the discovery that the right ‘control measures’ were in place, but somehow, something went wrong. This is because

  • Congratulations Class of 2018

    Congratulations Class of 20180

    Congratulations to all the graduates of the Class of 2018! Our area is blessed to have so many talented young people; I am amazed by what they accomplish in today’s world. Whether it is academically, musically or athletically there’s more being achieved than ever before. Take a moment to congratulate those special people in your

  • Grit: May 29, 1960: City Bus Company to Take Over Run to Montoursville1

    Bus service between Williamsport and Montoursville will be operated by the Williamsport Bus Company, beginning Wednesday. The sale of the Lycoming Auto Transit Company, present operator, was approved last week by the Public Utility Commission. The fare for travel between the borough and the city will be 15 cents. Transfers will cost two cents. Montoursville-bound

  • County Hall Corner: Drug Court: Healing Justice0

    Hardly a regular meeting of the Lycoming County Commissioners goes by without a declaration for “National Something Or Other Day, Week, or Month.” For the occasional visitor to these meetings, it might seem like Much Ado About Nothing, but actually these proclamations serve an important purpose. They call attention to vital services or programs that

  • 24-Year-Old Man Seeks Kidney Donation2

    Most of us take the proper working of our kidneys for granted, but there are those who can’t, they have damaged kidneys that no longer function properly and some of them are in need of a kidney transplant immediately. One of these is 24-year-old Tucker Gordner. Tucker lives in Montgomery with his mom and stepdad,

  • Lycoming College for Kids to Be Held on Lyco Campus July 16 to 200

    Once again one of the most unique learning opportunities for students grades 2 to 12 will take place on the campus of Lycoming College when the annual College for Kids youth summer program is held there the week of July 16 to 20. The courses consist of hands-on activities in a variety of subjects including

  • This Week’s LION: Angelique Labadie-Cihanowyz: A Vision Builder

    This Week’s LION: Angelique Labadie-Cihanowyz: A Vision Builder2

    Try this experiment with your friends. Name a company or product and ask your friend to say the first thing that comes to their mind about that name. Companies spend billions of dollars in advertising to get you thinking of one particular word or simple phrase; Coca-Cola (delicious), McDonald’s (I’m lovin’ it), Subway (Eat fresh),

  • Uptown Music Collective Presents the 10th Annual Blues-a-Thon

    Uptown Music Collective Presents the 10th Annual Blues-a-Thon0

    Events that combine fundraising, educational activities, exciting musical performances, staying up all night, and the opportunity to meet, play music with, and learn from an internationally known musician don’t come along very often. Unless you are a student or a friend of the Uptown Music Collective, then they happen at least once a year at

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick off to summer. But please remember the true purpose of this holiday weekend. Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our Country. Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an