
Latest Issue

  • Daily Lycoming Gazette and West Branch Bulletin: August 21, 1871 – Terrible Conflagration – Forty Buildings Destroyed1

    About 8 o’clock Sunday evening was visited by the most destructive conflagration ever known in the history of this town. The wind was blowing a fearful gale from the south, which had prevailed during most of the day. The fire commenced in a stable belonging to C.M. Baker, on Black Horse Alley, and owing the

  • County Hall Corner: Blue is the Color of Hope0

    The past few weeks have caused many to wonder about the safety of the city of Williamsport. Crime makes headlines, of course, but behind the scenes is a remarkable corps of servants in blue who are changing the culture in the city, and deserve some recognition for the effort. We are talking about the Williamsport

  • This Week’s LION: Williamsport Police Chief Damon Hagan0

    As was noted in this last week’s County Hall Corner, Williamsport Police Chief Damon Hagan conducted an important press conference to address the recent number of shootings in the city of Williamsport. Only in the position of chief of police since January of this year, Hagan inherited a department that was suffering from low morale

  • The Most Wonderful Time of the Year…0

    Say what you will about Christmas, but I absolutely adore this time of year! No one else in the world gets to experience Little League baseball like we do. No one else gets to open their community to kids and families from all over the world quite like we do. Alas, with all of the

  • Uptown Music Collective Awards $19,575 in Scholarships0

    On July 23rd, 2019, thirteen Uptown Music Collective students were awarded scholarships for the nonprofit school of music’s 2019-2020 school year, totaling a value of $19,575, with an additional $3,000 being added to the Collective’s Financial Aid Fund. Funding was made possible through the generous donations of the local community, including both individual and corporate

  • County Hall Corner: The Guns of August0

    A special press conference was held at the Williamsport City Hall on Tuesday, August 6th, to address the rash of recent shootings in the city. It was held by Mayor Campana, Williamsport Police Chief Damon Hagan and Captain Sherman Shadle of the Pennsylvania State Police. The attendees included all three Lycoming County Commissioners, the entire

  • Jersey Shore Cemetery Embarks On a Fund Raising Campaign to Refurbish Their Rachel Humes Hepburn Chapel

    Jersey Shore Cemetery Embarks On a Fund Raising Campaign to Refurbish Their Rachel Humes Hepburn Chapel0

    Pictured above are representatives from Rearick-Carpenter Funeral Home presenting a donation to the board of the Jersey Shore Cemetery for improvements to be made to the cemetery’s Rachel Humes Hepburn Chapel. From left to right are: James Carpenter and Stephanie Wallen of Rearick-Carpenter, Bill Rummings, Jack Wolfe, Patricia Rummings, Connie Davis, Dorian Hollick Myers and

  • Grit: August 17, 1969 – Newberry 6th Team to Win Spot in Series0

    Joyful pandemonium broke loose last night—horns tooted, bands played, crowds cheered, sang and danced. The Newberry Little League team had returned home with the Eastern regional division crown, one step closer to a Little League World Seried championship. Newberry yesterday became the first Williamsport team to advance to the World Series since the series became

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters Volunteer Receives Award

    Big Brothers Big Sisters Volunteer Receives Award0

    Joe Raup, a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Bridge of Lycoming County, recently received the “Everyday Hero” award from Woodlands Bank. Raup has been a Big with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program for three decades and has been matched with four Littles over that time span. He has been involved with

  • Mike Mussina: Hall of Famer and Little League® Supporter0

    Williamsport and Cooperstown are connected by the Susquehanna River and baseball history, as Little League and the Baseball Hall of Fame were both established in 1939. While most of the baseball community knows Mike Mussina for his Hall of Fame career with the Baltimore Orioles and New York Yankees, for the people in the Williamsport

  • Hall of Famer Mike Mussina “Consistently Consistent”0

    An article on the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum’s website describes Montoursville’s Mike Mussina in a Yogi Berra-esque manner as “Consistently Consistent.” I can think of no better way to describe Mussina and his baseball career even going back to his Montoursville Little League and high school days. There is another sports expression

  • This Week’s LION: Steve Brady and the Covation Center0

    Ask many people what their perfect job would be, and they would respond to own their own business. The idea of being one’s own boss is appealing, but the reality is that simply because a person has a valuable skill or talent, it doesn’t mean they have the knowledge necessary for running their own business.