
Latest Issue

  • Gazette and Bulletin: August 30, 1944 – Citation Won by Local Man, Now in German Camp0

    Still a prisoner at Luft Stalag 1 in Germany, Lt. Harold F. Hartman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hartman, 526 Louisa Street, has been awarded the Air Medal for meritorious service achievement in aerial flight. The lieutenant, 22 years of age, had served as pilot of a P-51, a single engine fighter plane, and

  • This Week’s LION: Katelyn Taylor – LyCo Dairy Maid

    This Week’s LION: Katelyn Taylor – LyCo Dairy Maid0

    For a bibliophile, it is finding an unusual limited edition book. For a philatelist, it is finding a rare stamp. For a leadership guru, it is finding a young person who not only has the potential for leadership but is already a leader! Getting elected as a class officer in high school is not based

  • Drum Corps Association World Championships To Be Held Here Labor Day Weekend0

    Some of the world’s finest drum and bugle corps will be competing at Williamsport Area High School’s STA Stadium Friday, August 30 through Sunday, September 1. Twenty-five of these drum corps will strutting their stuff at the Drum Corps Association World Championships. This event has been described as the “Super Bowl of Drum Corps Competition.”

  • School is Back

    School is Back0

    Well, we all have different feelings about our kids going back to school. Some are like “peace out kids” while others are not looking forward to that first day. I’ve always loved summer breaks with my son. It was tough when I first sent him off to school. I was a basket case, and I

  • Another Great Series

    Another Great Series0

    Congratulations to my friends at Little League International. The 2019 World Series was off the charts. I just wanted to say thanks for another great experience. The Spencers made it over to Lamade and Volunteer on a few occasions. My son is obsessed with Little League baseball, and he witnessed most if not all of

  • WASD Launches ‘Be Present’ Campaign to Promote School Attendance, Mitigate Chronic Absenteeism0

    The Williamsport Area School District has announced the launch of its new “Be Present” campaign, a school district-community call-to-action to promote the importance of being in school every day while also raising awareness against chronic absenteeism. Last fall, in the wake of an amendment to the Pennsylvania School Code on student attendance, the district joined

  • Much More Than a Field of Dreams0

    The Little League World Series is a celebration of all that is right on God’s green earth. What a welcoming act the Grand Slam Parade has become. I am amazed every year how the folks of the West Branch Valley wrap their arms around the teams during the event. It is a huge hug of

  • What a Time…0

    • August 21, 2019

    It is a great time to live in the Williamsport area. People from all over the world are focused on our little town and it is always exciting and makes me proud to be from Williamsport. Good luck to all the remaining Little League teams! Because we send to print the Friday before you read

  • This Week’s LION: Williamsport Police Chief Damon Hagan0

    As was noted in this last week’s County Hall Corner, Williamsport Police Chief Damon Hagan conducted an important press conference to address the recent number of shootings in the city of Williamsport. Only in the position of chief of police since January of this year, Hagan inherited a department that was suffering from low morale

  • Daily Lycoming Gazette and West Branch Bulletin: August 21, 1871 – Terrible Conflagration – Forty Buildings Destroyed1

    About 8 o’clock Sunday evening was visited by the most destructive conflagration ever known in the history of this town. The wind was blowing a fearful gale from the south, which had prevailed during most of the day. The fire commenced in a stable belonging to C.M. Baker, on Black Horse Alley, and owing the

  • County Hall Corner: Blue is the Color of Hope0

    The past few weeks have caused many to wonder about the safety of the city of Williamsport. Crime makes headlines, of course, but behind the scenes is a remarkable corps of servants in blue who are changing the culture in the city, and deserve some recognition for the effort. We are talking about the Williamsport

  • The Most Wonderful Time of the Year…0

    Say what you will about Christmas, but I absolutely adore this time of year! No one else in the world gets to experience Little League baseball like we do. No one else gets to open their community to kids and families from all over the world quite like we do. Alas, with all of the