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    Larry Stout

    Larry W. Stout has worn lots of hats over the years; a decorated military veteran, ordained pastor, university professor in Europe, and missionary to the former Soviet Union. He has authored textbooks on human resource management and leadership that have been translated into six languages as well as had published two novels. He currently invests his energies as a foster parent and board member for eight different community organizations. He is a native of Montgomery, graduating from Montgomery Area High School in 1970, who married his high school sweetheart Debbie, and together they have raised two sons and two daughters, one of which is adopted, but they cannot remember which one.

Recent Articles

  • This Week’s LION: Memories of Father Manno0

    If ever there was a Leader in Our Neighborhood (LION) it was Father John Manno, who passed away on May 30th at the age of 78. Tributes to the man poured in throughout the region because he touched many lives far beyond his own parish. Much has been written about this extraordinary individual, but I

  • This Week’s LION – Ben Watts, Leader in the Making0

    LION stands for Leaders In Our Neighborhood, and they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes — even high school seniors. Ben Watts of Montoursville Area High School was recently awarded the Lycoming County Republican Party Scholarship Award. Inspired since his freshman year by a very devoted civics teacher who encouraged him to attend

  • This Week’s LION: Eric Beiter, Williamsport Mayoral Candidate0

    Is it possible to be an idealistic pragmatist? This might be the best way to describe Eric Beiter, Republican Party candidate for Mayor of Williamsport. Eric is store manager with Beiter’s Home Center in South Williamsport, but also has studied abroad and knows American history and political theory like a professor. Eric Beiter grew up

  • This Week’s LION: Don Noviello, Williamsport Mayoral Candidate1

    LION stands for “Leaders in Our Neighborhood,” and no one represents this better than Don Noviello, Republican candidate for Williamsport Mayor in the upcoming May 21st primary. Don has possibly the most complete resume a candidate for local office could have. Business background – check. Community service – check. Advanced education – check. Political experience

  • The Week’s LION: DA Candidate Nicole Ippolito0

    Nicole Ippolito does not look like a politician because she really isn’t one. Yes, she is running to be elected to the office of District Attorney for Lycoming County, but in truth, she is doing what is required to get her name in the public eye so she can do the job that she has

  • This Week’s LION: Congressional Candidate Fred Keller

    This Week’s LION: Congressional Candidate Fred Keller0

    Politicians take positions for a lot of reasons, most often because they know it will get them votes at the ballot box. Fred Keller, the Republican Party candidate for the special election for the 12th US Congressional District to be held on May 21st, holds positions that came as a result of his life’s experiences.


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