
Latest Issue

  • Understanding and Pursuing the Obvious Term Limits: 1010

    What an absolutely amazing time of year it is as God’s green Earth comes back to life. A couple of weeks ago, I saw my first robins of the year, a whole flock right in the front yard. It just didn’t seem right; however, they were singing their sweet spring song right in the middle

  • St. Paddy’s Day Prep

    St. Paddy’s Day Prep0

    Next week is St. Paddy’s Day, but I thought I would get ahead of the game a bit and give you some ideas on how to entertain the kids with some fun St. Patrick’s Day crafts! I’m going to show you two easy leprechaun traps you can make with kids. You can put out all

  • The Crooks, Cronies, and Contemptibles Must Go!1

    Before I get started on a simple way to clip the wings of the self-serving inept feeding at the trough of the American taxpayer. I want to begin with a point made by a long-time Webb Weekly reader. He asked me to research and share what a United States senator/representative receives for an operating budget.

  • Winter Houseplant Survival

    Winter Houseplant Survival0

    Well, y’all, we did it! We made it to March, and spring is in sight! We aren’t necessarily out of the winter woods yet, but I’m focusing on the future and warmer weather to come! One of the reasons that I’m looking forward to warmer temperatures is for my houseplants. I have close to two

  • Devouring a Nation One Term at a Time1

    Our Nation, and the very freedoms we enjoy, have been under attack for decades. It’s not the barbarians at the gate we should truly fear. It’s the barbarians inside the Beltway. This is a bipartisan problem. It has taken both the democrats and the republicans to get us to this point. The driving reasons behind

  • DA’s Office Shows Appreciation for Local Law Enforcement0

    Being a member of law enforcement isn’t easy. Especially today. And while some of the disdain for law enforcement is warranted, that can leave good officers feeling wholly unappreciated. Locally, District Attorney Ryan Gardner is working to ensure that members of law enforcement in Lycoming County know that their hard work is noticed and appreciated.

  • Into the Shark Tank and Then Straight to China1

    My column was to follow up where I left off last week with “Always Question Science, Medicine, and Government.” It was to cover the complete fleecing of America by the long-serving elected in Washington. That will have to wait until next week. You’ll be shocked by the multi-millionaires that have grown at the trough of

  • Mardi Gras and Lent0

    I guess we can chalk up yet another thing that the global pandemic has ruined. #ThanksCOVID. Mardi Gras in New Orleans typically means dancing in the streets, standing shoulder to shoulder with strangers, and watching one parade after another roll by while slowly becoming a human bead tree. But Mardi Gras 2021 will be different.

  • Always Question Science, Medicine, and Government0

    I want to make this as blatantly clear as possible. The above three are driven by money, power, and beyond greed. They couldn’t care a laboratory rat’s tail about you. Anyone who tries to tell you any differently either directly benefits from the madness or has taken their five-pound bag of sugar to help the

  • A Socially Distanced Valentine’s

    A Socially Distanced Valentine’s0

    Y’all. I’m going to be honest. This last year has kinda sucked. While I know the reasons and believe that safety is of the utmost importance and will continue to follow protocols, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m pretty much over them. I’m over masks (but again will continue to wear mine, don’t come

  • Scoring Points for MS

    Scoring Points for MS0

    If you like big bucks and you cannot lie, this week’s column is for you. That reference is from the Sir Mix-a-Lot hit from 1992, “Baby Got Back.” Yes, I know he’s not talking about big bucks in the song. Isn’t it funny, though, in today’s world of Google, that you read the lyrics and

  • Pandemic Pigskin Predictions0

    It is going to be a Super Bowl like no other, that’s for certain. We’ve got the Kansas City Chiefs — who are the reigning Super Bowl Champs, versus the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who are being led by the winningest quarterback in NFL history. The game will be at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa Bay,