
Latest Issue

  • FALL CAR CARE – Four Tire Safety Tips for Winter0

    The same temperature you can begin to see your breath – 45 F – is also when the all-season tires on your car can start to lose traction and grip. As temperatures drop, drivers should remember that if you can see your breath, you should think about winter tires. Whether you’re planning a cross-country trek

  • Clever DIY Halloween Box Costume Inspiration0

    • Arts
    • October 18, 2017

    If you’re looking for a fun, creative DIY costume this Halloween, look no further than your next Amazon Prime delivery. Boxes from your online purchases can be used to create clever box costumes — or boxtumes — using supplies you already have around the house. Boxtumes can be as simple or elaborate as you’d like

  • “History of Wolves” by Emily Fridlund0

    Let it go. That’s what people say when others are upset: let it go. Shake it off. Can’t do anything about it now, so why dwell on it? Pretend like it never happened and that you didn’t see a thing — at least until, as in the new novel “History of Wolves” by Emily Fridlund,

  • Helplessness0

    Helplessness. An inability to defend yourself or act effectively. The moment in a person’s life when they are watching their world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. The feeling when you truly want to help, but there is nothing that you can do. In Las Vegas, on October 1, 2017, at

  • Cleaning Out Your Toiletries0

    • Arts
    • October 11, 2017

    Fall is not only a good time to clean out your closet, as you transition your wardrobe from summer to winter wear, it is also an opportunity to inventory your toiletries. As flu season approaches, taking stock of your medicine cabinet, makeup bag, and other personal care sundries will give you a chance to get

  • Local Vietnam Vets Weigh In On Ken Burns’ Vietnam Documentary0

    When Ken Burns’ latest documentary effort, dealing with the Vietnam War was shown recently on PBS, there was probably no audience with a greater interest in this documentary and how it presented the Vietnam experience than Vietnam veterans. Webb Weekly talked to several local Vietnam veterans to get their take on Burns’ presentation. Mike McMunn

  • Socktoberfest Returns to Curtain Intermediate0

    The community came back to Curtin Intermediate School on Friday night to help “kick it to poverty” with the return of SOCKTOBERFEST. The kickoff event launched the school’s month-long sock drive to benefit Lycoming County’s homeless. Better known as #socktober, the movement began four years ago by Kid President and Soul Pancake to help the homeless around the U.S.

  • Faith Conversations… Your Best Day0

    Jamie called and scheduled an appointment to meet with me because she was frustrated by one of my sermons. Everything I knew about Jamie was good. She was a dedicated wife and mother. She volunteered in several organizations, including our church. She was quick to encourage people and always seemed to be in a positive

  • The Jaded Eye… Catching Up With “The Catcher in the Rye”0

    Is there relevance in a book written 66 years ago in today’s society that is so wrapped up in itself? That’s the question I asked myself when re-reading and digesting The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger. The book’s main character, 16-year-old Holden Caulfield, lets it be known he is undergoing treatment in a