
Latest Issue

  • Socktoberfest Returns to Curtain Intermediate0

    The community came back to Curtin Intermediate School on Friday night to help “kick it to poverty” with the return of SOCKTOBERFEST. The kickoff event launched the school’s month-long sock drive to benefit Lycoming County’s homeless. Better known as #socktober, the movement began four years ago by Kid President and Soul Pancake to help the homeless around the U.S.

  • Faith Conversations… Your Best Day0

    Jamie called and scheduled an appointment to meet with me because she was frustrated by one of my sermons. Everything I knew about Jamie was good. She was a dedicated wife and mother. She volunteered in several organizations, including our church. She was quick to encourage people and always seemed to be in a positive

  • The Jaded Eye… Catching Up With “The Catcher in the Rye”0

    Is there relevance in a book written 66 years ago in today’s society that is so wrapped up in itself? That’s the question I asked myself when re-reading and digesting The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger. The book’s main character, 16-year-old Holden Caulfield, lets it be known he is undergoing treatment in a