
Latest Issue

  • NCC8 to Host Archaeology Open House, Indian Artifact Fair0

    If you enjoy learning about prehistoric cultures in Lycoming County, the time to share your collected curiosities is at the Third Annual NCC8 Indian Artifact Fair. Northcentral Chapter 8, Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology will host the educational open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 31, 2018, at the Taber Museum of the

  • Adult Prom – A Dance For 65 Roses Slated for Saturday0

    By Jeffrey Alllen Federowicz Dust off those dancing shoes because its prom time for grown-ups. The third annual Adult Prom A Dance For 65 Roses, a benefit for Cystic Fibrosis, will take place from 7:00-11:00 p.m. this Saturday at Farrington Place, 416 West Third St. downtown Williamsport. The reference to 65 Roses is a moniker

  • A Less Expensive Wedding0

    Chances are that, if you’re getting married this summer, you already have your arrangements semi-set in stone by now. That’s just the nature of the multi-headed wedding beast that is vendors, caterers, churches, photographers, etc., which all require months if not YEARS advance booking. However, no matter the deposits you may have already put down,

  • 26th Annual “Billtown Blues Challenge” Festival0

    Audition Concert to be Held Saturday, March 24 The time has come again for the Billtown Blues Association, BBA, to hold their 26th annual “Billtown Blues Challenge” Festival Audition Concert where local and regional musicians compete for the coveted spot on the BBA festival stage performing along with confirmed national and international acts. The BBA

  • The Taxman Cometh0

    The Taxman Cometh If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat If you get too cold, I’ll tax your heat If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet – The Beatles Call me a masochist. I like doing my taxes. Always have, and God

  • The Bookworm Sez: “How to Stop Time” by Matt Haig

    The Bookworm Sez: “How to Stop Time” by Matt Haig0

    By Terri Schlichenmeyer “How to Stop Time” by Matt Haig c.2017, Viking $26.00 U.S. 328 pages The big hand is on the “12.” And the little hand is, well, you’ve known how to tell time since you were small. It’s something you do so naturally now that you probably don’t even think about it anymore.

  • Spring is Close!0

    I say it every year, and it’s no less true this year. I’ve come to mark the beginning of spring with the West Branch Builders Home Show. I know spring isn’t far away when it is time for the Home Show. Webb Weekly has a booth at the show every year and this year is

  • Do Dogs Go to Heaven?0

    By Jeffrey Allen Federowicz “If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers Warm, golden sunshine streams into a window near my desk each morning. This is where you’d find Mandy, and where my day would officially start. “You’re such a sweetie-pie,” along

  • Spring Sprucing0

    Whether it’s a major overhaul of the entire house or just some reorganizing of closets and cabinets, there’s just something about spring that lends itself to cleaning up the home front. After all the washing and scrubbing, this year, consider taking it one step further with some spring sprucing! What is spring sprucing, you ask?

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Pope of Palm Beach” by Tim Dorsey0

    The Bookworm Sez By Terri Schlichenmeyer “The Pope of Palm Beach” by Tim Dorsey c.2018, William Morrow $26.99 / $33.50 Canada 337 pages Reach back, they say. Grab the person behind you, beneath you on the Success Ladder, the newbie in the office, and elevate them, too. Reach back and help somebody. Reach back and

  • Looking for Alexa? Not at My Place!0

    If “Alexa” is truly taking the nation by storm, then somehow it passed me up. Or should I say, I passed her up because “she” has to be installed before taking any commands from me or anyone else. Alexa honey, what can you really do for me? I know you were released (born) by Amazon

  • Five Ways to Refresh Your Home For Spring0

    Spring is a time for renewal and awakenings. It’s also the perfect time to take your cues from Mother Nature and devise a plan to reduce and reimagine your way to a refreshing, updated home you can fully enjoy once more. Reorganize cluttered areas If a room (or rooms) in your house are in disarray,