
Latest Issue

  • Enjoy a Safe and Injury Free Summer0

    Summer is in full swing and the nice weather means more opportunities for outdoor fun. Activities like camping, picnicking, hiking, swimming, yard work, and boating all present the potential for serious unintended injuries. It’s important to know how to stay safe and fun while enjoying the great outdoors. Beware of Heat Stroke Avoid strenuous activity

  • The Grandparent Hotel0

    It’s come to my attention that my 13-year-old nephew bowed out of summer camp to spend a week at his grandmother’s house. Little did he know the same scenario played out for me when I was the same age. If he did, he might have asked for some advice. Now, I doubt his gram will

  • Former Tabernacle at Montoursville’s Indian Park Reconstructed and Re-Erected Near Lamar0

    For many years a tabernacle building stood at Montoursville’s Indian Park, going back to the days when it was the Starr Island Amusement Park. This tabernacle was eventually torn down and reconstructed at the Lamar Lighthouse Camp along Route 64 in Clinton County, two miles southwest of Exit 173 of Interstate 80. Now, some 70

  • Healthy Habits for Great Skin0

    The majority of people are not born with naturally flawless skin and even those that are still need to put in a bit of work to maintain their complexions. Whether you have a 10-step skincare routine or you’re just interested in improving on your daily maintenance, here are a few tips and tricks for healthy

  • 148th Lycoming County Fair Happens July 11 to July 210

    A lowered admission price, and a special section of the fair set aside especially for children called the “Amelia Earhart Funway,” are among the new things that fair officials are proud to point out about this year’s 148th edition of the Lycoming County Fair.” “We’ve lowered the price of admission this year from $6 to

  • In Cars0

    God apparently has a terrific sense of humor. I know this to be true because my husband and I are currently embroiled in one of the most intense parenting rites of passage known to man — teaching not one, but TWO teenagers to drive AT THE SAME TIME. Granted, Thing One and Thing Two didn’t

  • Easy Dinner Making Tips0

    Now that I’m a mom of two, I’ve had to figure out how to make healthy and yummy dinners with way less time than I use to. So here are some tips I’ve picked up to make cooking dinner at home during the week a little less stressful. Cooking several meals on Sunday has been

  • I Got What I Wanted. Now What?0

    It must have been over seven years ago that I whined and moaned (using a Webb column as my venting post) that cool, functional, consumer-friendly items weren’t appearing before our very eyes as promised. You know, the flying cars, the interspace shuttles, the automatic kitchens, the rotating windmills in our yards. I mean, even the

  • Cool Summertime Kitchen Hacks0

    Summer is a time for relaxing, enjoying the outdoors and spending time with family and friends. Yet for some, the warmer months can be hectic and busy, and often go by too quickly. When the little ones have soccer practice and the adults need some alone time by the pool, there isn’t always time to

  • Tips for Safe Summer Travel with Pets0

    With warmer weather, people often spend more time on summer trips with family. These trips can be more enjoyable when your four-legged friends tag along, but it can be less of a vacation if your pets are uncomfortable on the road. “Taking pets out of their homes can induce stress on both the pets and

  • Savor Your Summer Soirees0

    Main dish options for outdoor entertaining Serving up an outdoor meal is a summertime staple for gatherings of all kinds — barbecues, celebrations, picnics and more. However, with so many options available and different styles for preparing the dishes, it can be a challenge for home chefs to decide what guests will go for. Instead

  • The Bookworm Sez:“Accidental Brothers: The Story of Twins Exchanged at Birth and the Power of Nature and Nurture”

    The Bookworm Sez:“Accidental Brothers: The Story of Twins Exchanged at Birth and the Power of Nature and Nurture”0

    There are over seven billion people in the world, and none of them are like you. You are singular: nobody has your fingerprints, DNA sequence, or thought processes. You’re you; one-of-a-kind. From follicles to toenails, there’s no other you anywhere… or so you think. As in the new book “Accidental Brothers” by Nancy L. Segal