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  • Spring Hair Color0

    Spring is emerging, and as we wait for the first colorful bursts of pansies, snowdrops, and violets, you may be reconsidering your own bloom hue, aka hair color. Hair color can say a lot about one’s identity, personal style, and self-confidence. And, whether or not you color your hair, there can be seasonal shifts (intentionally

  • Stay Away From These Skincare Products

    Stay Away From These Skincare Products0

    Trying out new skincare products can be exciting, as well as trepidatious. There’s the hope of seeing the results that were promised, but for those of us who have been led astray in the past, there’s also the fear of wasting money on yet another lotion/potion that doesn’t deliver. There is also the unknown, even

  • Hair Over 500

    Many beautiful things come with aging: strong relationships with friends and family, wisdom, confidence, a deeper sense of self, career achievements, and the ability to truly do what you want. But what might not be as welcome are the hair changes that can occur. When women hit age 50, hair starts to lose pigment (if

  • Shoes to Wear with Jeans0

    I treat the months of January and February as a sort of style hibernation. It’s cold, so you want to pile on your warmest, which might not be your most stylish, garments. You don’t want to wear anything too delicate for fear it could get ruined by snow, ice, and wind. And chances are you’re

  • The Best Bob for Your Face0

    As I sat at my desk the other day, waiting for my first cup of coffee to kick in, I began to hear morning bird songs. Looking out my window, the sky was clear, the sun was bright, and even though it was still bitterly cold, a sense of spring was in the air. With

  • Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Men0

    Valentine’s Day is coming up, and while some of us hard-hearted folks consider it a fluffy “Hallmark” holiday, the more romantically minded may be planning a lovely celebration of love. Usually, it’s on the gentlemen to treat the ladies on Valentine’s Day, but that doesn’t mean women can’t step to the plate with a thoughtful


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