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  • Repasz Band Wagon: Williamsport Ensemble Opens Fund Drive0

    Now nearly 200 years old, Williamsport’s world-famous Repasz Band has announced a new Endowment Fund to help the group continue its popular slate of free local concerts. “Never before has the band’s existence to continue been directly threatened,” says Repasz treasurer and past president Nancy Eischeid. “Previous to COVID, our 10-18 concerts every summer provided

  • Aslan on the Move: C. S. Lewis Institute in Central PA

    Aslan on the Move: C. S. Lewis Institute in Central PA0

    The C. S. Lewis Institute is coming to Central PA. With branches in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia — along with 11 other states, plus such countries as Ireland, Japan and Kenya — CSLI was named for the British writer whose radio talks and bestselling novels made him one of the 20th century’s most beloved Christian figures.

  • Hot-Diggity “Dog Man”: DreamWorks Fetches a Tail-Wagger0

    At age 64, I remain convinced that deep in the soul of every middle-aged man, there’s a 12-year-old boy who never grew up. That’s why grandpas still crack gas-gags with their grandsons. And it’s also why Dav Pilkey’s riotous “Captain Underpants” books were a hit with kids and grown-ups alike. (After all, that series features

  • From Z to Shining Z: Finishing the End!0

    In most English-speaking countries, the letter Z — our recent focus here in Webb’s “Weird Words” — is pronounced “zed”; and that’s because it originally derives from the Greek letter zeta. In some regional dialects, Z can even be styled as “izzard”; but of course, American English uses “zee.” In this way, Z rhymes with

  • Here’s Help for Hitting the Road: Audio Books for Holiday Travel0

    Oh, by gosh, by jingle; it’s time for carols and Kris Kringle… … plus car rides and complaining kids! Yes, it’s that time of year … when so many folks head over the river and through the woods … on very long trips to grandmother’s house. And as in 2023, Webb’s resident book-lover herewith suggests

  • Great Read for Baseball-Lovers: Daniel Okrent’s “Nine Innings”0

    ’Tis the season — Little League World Series season, to be precise: that time of year when local writers and sports fans love to reflect on America’s favorite pastime. But despite a generous schedule of games in those lovely Southside stadiums, one can’t spend all one’s time at the ballpark. (I know, I know; if


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