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  • Adaptive Bikes and Equipment for Children With Special Needs0

    BLaST IU #17, of Williamsport, and Variety, of Pittsburgh, have teamed up to offer adaptive bikes, strollers, and communication equipment to qualifying children with special needs. Their goal is to provide 1,000 eligible children with FREE adaptive equipment through Variety’s My Bike, My Stroller, and My Voice programs. Back in January 2019, Mr. Charlie LaValle,

  • Mindfulness for Managing Your Emotions0

    Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to be aware of and effectively express their emotions and to understand and effectively respond to the emotions of others. Having a highly developed emotional intelligence is important for types of work that require a significant amount of human interaction and is critical for healthy relationships and personal mental

  • In the Middle0

    Well, it’s official, middle age sucks. At least, that is what a recent study by Dartmouth Economics professor, David Blanchflower found. In his study for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Blanchflower examined the relationship between well-being and age and found significant evidence that it was U-shaped. To better understand the relationship between age and

  • Local Strongman Takes Teen Division in White Plains0

    Having taken 2nd place in the Teen Division in PA’s Strongest Man last Fall, local strongman, Adam W. Grimes II, recently continued his success by taking 1st place in the in New York’s Strongest Man Teen Division. The contest was held on January 18th at the Westchester County Center in White Plains, New York. There

  • Local Thrower on a Quest for Olympic Gold0

    Rachel Fatherly discovered throwing at a relatively early age because of her exceptional strength; starting in middle school. While she also played basketball, her early success in throwing is ultimately what led to her love of all things track and field. She was attracted to being the best and set her sights on a state

  • The Happiness Loop0

    All of us want to be happy. In fact, every decision we make is directed at that goal, whether we realize it or not. Sometimes our actions are directly aimed at that purpose, such as when we do something nice for ourselves. Other times, our pursuit of happiness is indirect, such as when we do


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