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  • Exercise Benefits the Brain0

    Everyone knows that, in general terms, exercise is good for our body and our health. Sure, it can lower blood pressure, help us to lose weight, and make us stronger — the list goes on. Most people also know that exercise is good for stress management. What many people may not realize, however, is that

  • The Evolution of Wellness

    The Evolution of Wellness0

    I have been asked recently what exactly the differences are between a health coach, a wellness coach, and a personal fitness trainer, so I thought I would take this opportunity to explain these terms and how they all relate to wellness. I think it is an interesting discussion as, with almost 30 years in this

  • Americans Struggle to Stay Fit During Pandemic0

    As most of you know by now, I am a huge advocate of exercise as medicine. You also probably know that there is a mountain of evidence supporting a long list of benefits of regular exercise. Things such as increased strength and muscle mass, increased cardiovascular fitness and endurance, an improved immune system, and an

  • Deep Green Journey Offers Mindfulness and Spiritual Wellbeing Through Nature0

    Reverend Beth Jones was born and raised in the mountains of Central Pennsylvania, where her parents introduced her to hiking and camping at an early age. They wanted to take full advantage of beautiful PA State forests and parks. She continued to foster that love for the woods throughout her life, and for the last

  • Area Car Clubs Host Fall Shows in Muncy September, 18th0

    It’s fall in North Central PA, and that means car shows; specifically, three great car shows taking place in Muncy on September 18th! Whether you are into classic muscle cars, cool Corvettes, or iconic Ford Mustangs, there is something for everyone. Three separate car clubs will be hosting shows, including the North Central Mustang Club,

  • Local Care Home Keeps Seniors Fit0

    Pictured walking around the Garden Terrace at Presbyterian Home of Williamsport is Patricia Nierle. She is often seen taking her laps to “get a good leg stretch” in. Pictured with the weights is Maria Sassano. Maria is a busy lady, she loves to walk, help with things around the community and will take time with


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