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  • 2023 Top Fitness Trends0

    Every year fitness organizations and experts around the world make predictions on which fitness trends will be the most popular in the coming year. The reasons range from where to invest their money to what programs should be prioritized on a group exercise schedule. Many 2023 predictions held steady from 2022, but there were a

  • Is Chiropractic Care Right for Your Athlete?0

    Being a lifelong advocate of exercise and having played contact sports for many years, I have periodically found chiropractic care beneficial for alleviating back and neck pain. More recently, my twin sons have asked if they could see a chiropractor that was recommended by a family friend, as they, too, were feeling banged up from

  • Tips for Dealing with Holiday Stress0

    For many, the holiday season brings joy and is a feast for the senses. It is a time when the house smells of holiday spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg and sweet treats baking — the noise of family gatherings and holiday music playing in the background. Decorations light up the neighborhood at night, and

  • Local Competitor Wins Axeman of the Year

    Local Competitor Wins Axeman of the Year0

    Every year, thousands of athletes around the world compete in high adrenaline competitions called lumberjack competitions or timber sports. On a regional level, competitions are organized by the Pennsylvania Professional Lumberjack Organization (PPLO). North Central PA is honored that local athlete Dominic Ruckle took home this year’s Axeman of the Year award for the PPLO.

  • Cold Tempering for Health0

    I’ll be honest; I do not love winter. I’m not into skiing or snowboarding, and while I do think snow is pretty, I do not love the cold temperatures that come with it. That being said, I grew up in the snow belt of Upstate New York and can handle the cold if I need

  • Coherence Breathing for Health0

    Research has shown that some breathing techniques are effective against anxiety, insomnia, stress, and other conditions. One such breathing technique is known as coherence breathing. Coherence breathing involves taking long, slow breaths at a rate of 5-6 breaths per minute. It affects both physiological (parasympathetic nervous system) and psychological (as a distraction technique) factors. As


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