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  • Avoid the Thanksgiving Food Coma

    Avoid the Thanksgiving Food Coma0

    Every year, on the fourth Thursday of November, Americans gather friends and family to sit down for an hour-long feast. That’s right, Thanksgiving dinner. A ready-made excuse to put on your stretchy pants, eat and drink to excess, watch football, and eventually pass out into what many people call a “food coma.” Food coma, or

  • Working in Later Years Good for Health and Economy0

    In a recent article by the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI), authors Hemant Ahlawat et al. wrote about a survey of adults 55 and older across 21 countries. The survey supported the preponderance of evidence that shows that having meaningful social connections was one of the most important predictors of health, happiness, and longevity. Those who

  • Spirituality is the Foundation of Well-being0

    I have often written that, in my opinion, general physical strength is the foundation of health. Strength gives us the ability to move our bodies and have some level of control over our environment. With it, we are able to condition our hearts, muscles, and bones and stave off disease. We are also motivated to

  • Paranormal Part 20

    Because there was such a great response to Lou Bernard’s interview about the Lock Haven Paranormal Society, I decided to reach out to Lou for a follow-up article. My goal was to discuss some actual cases that the group investigated in the area and get a better feel of what really goes on during an

  • ’Tis the Season for Things that go Bump in the Night0

    Whether you are a true believer in the paranormal or a hardline skeptic, no one can deny that some things are a mystery. Maybe you have an old house and hear voices at night. Maybe your keys aren’t where you left them the night before. (If you are like me, you are just getting forgetful.)

  • Local Man Advocates for People with Disabilities0

    On September 21st, Christ Westbrook, from Williamsport, testified in front of the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging on the topic of accessibility of government technology for people with disabilities, older adults, and veterans. Westbrook is an accessibility engineer for Allyant, who also happens to be blind. “I look at websites and write up


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