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  • Intensified Vulnerability: King David0

    Note: This article is in a series called Two Roads. Previous articles are available at King David had just finished a long series of military campaigns (II Samuel 10). Being anointed king was heady stuff, but the work of unifying and securing the far reaches of his kingdom was exhausting. He decided it was

  • Intensified Vulnerability0

    A vulnerability is defined as a weakness or fascination that opens the strong to attack or the wise to poor decision-making. Let’s take a closer look. Note: This article is part of a series called Two Roads. Previous articles are always available at We all have vulnerabilities. When it comes to eating healthy, my

  • Vulnerability0

    Wise is the traveler who is aware of their strengths. Wiser still is the traveler who is aware of their weaknesses, for weakness can destroy in a moment what has taken strength a lifetime to build. Travelers on the road to Life gain elevation. Their moral character, strong work ethic, and unique spiritual gifts and

  • Three Laws on the Road to Life0

    On the road to Life, grace is the predominant force experienced by travelers. Grace pulls travelers upward, giving them the ability to overcome the steep terrain and obstacles often encountered as they climb. Remember, the road to Life is a difficult uphill climb that requires work and sacrifice. It’s not a popular road, but for

  • On Both Roads, Part 20

    Note: This is the fifth article in a series called Two Roads. Previous articles are always available at In addition to death, gravity, and grace, let’s consider the other things found on both the roads, the Road to Death and the Road to Life. Rest Stops Traveling consumes resources. A traveler must stop and

  • Very Different Roads0

    We are Travelers — and there are two roads on the map. One leads to Death, the other to Life. You are traveling one of those roads right now. We have already established that we are born traveling the road to Death. By the way, this is the third article in a series called Two


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