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  • Go and Love0

    Last week I wrote about us being the holy temple of God. This week I am writing about us being the royal priesthood of God. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, you are very important – and I’m challenging you to live up to all God has intended for you to be. Like

  • Go and Be that Place0

    Don’t give up on this article too quickly. To get to where we’re going, I have to lay out some intricate groundwork. But stick with me, and you’ll begin to discover just how amazing you are. Before the fall of mankind (Genesis 3), God’s Spirit communed with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

  • The Drift Toward Bondage0

    There is a cycle in human history that has been repeated again and again for thousands of years. It is a cycle that goes from freedom to bondage to freedom to bondage — and on and on and on. Free people, especially those who didn’t personally sacrifice to win their freedom, tend to become careless

  • Be Salty0

    The Sermon on the Mount is found in Matthew 5 – 7. Just before delivering this extraordinary Sermon, Jesus was baptized by John and then spent forty days fasting in the wilderness. He emerges from the wilderness and launches His public ministry by performing amazing miracles of healing and declaring, “Repent, for the Kingdom of

  • Keep Digging0

    What have you lost in the past five months? I don’t know the specifics of your answer to that question, but I do know this: you have lost a lot. We all have. Jesus told us we would have trouble in this world, so God designed us with the ability to cope with loss. It

  • Victory In the Long View, Danger in the Short View0

    While I want this article to focus on victory in the long view, to do so, we need to understand the challenges we face when focusing too much on the short view. For us, right now, the short view is a mess. Well, frankly, it’s always a mess. If you’re someone who sincerely believes in


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