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  • Resurrection Life! Transformed0

    This week we are concluding a series of articles called “Resurrection Life!” The entire series is available online at The risen Jesus is still engaging people today! This week’s article is based on Acts 9 and Act 26:1-23. It is all about God’s transformational work in a guy named Saul. Here’s the story: Saul

  • Resurrection Life! Called On Our Side of the Ascension0

    Today we make a transition in our Resurrection Life series. Up to this point, we have only considered the amazing interactions people had with the risen Jesus between His resurrection and His ascension. This week and next, we will look at two interactions Jesus had with people after His ascension. Why? To remind us that

  • Resurrection Life! Absent and Doubting0

    In this series of articles, we are taking a look at interactions Jesus had with people during the forty days between His resurrection and His ascension. So far, we have discussed Mary Magdalene, the Disciples, and Cleopas and his friend as they walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Previous articles in this series

  • Resurrection Life!0

    Disillusioned Today’s article is based on Luke 24:13-50. In this passage, Luke recounts the beautiful and intimate story of Cleopas and his traveling companion as they return to Emmaus on the day Jesus rose from the tomb. As they walked along, wondering about all of the events that transpired in Jerusalem during the previous week,

  • Resurrection Life!: Anxious0

    John 20:19-20, “On the evening of that first day of the week (Easter morning), when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side.” Evening? Have you

  • Resurrection Life!0

    Abandoned There are several forty-day periods recognized in the Bible: the rain of Noah’s flood, Goliath’s taunting of Israel, Moses on the mountain, the spies in the promised land, Jesus in the wilderness. The number forty seems to be significant. Theologians speculate as to why, but the Bible does not give us that detail. There


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