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  • Why We Pray0

    There are seasons in the Christian life that could be described as cooling off on prayer. They are seasons of prayerlessness. It happens mainly because of disappointment. How often have we faithfully gone to our knees in prayer, and it didn’t seem to make one bit of difference? It’s like our prayers never made it

  • Warfare Prayer0

    In this first article of 2022, I can think of nothing more important to talk about than prayer. And because we are living in such perilous times (we always are), it seems important that we talk specifically about warfare prayer. There is a time for everything, even war. See Ecclesiastes 3:8. Actually, Christians know we

  • Following Confidently0

    “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 Have you noticed that life is like a wild ride on a roller coaster? It is constantly going up and down and around — and even upside down. Worse yet, like Disney’s Space Mountain (a

  • God Loves You0

    The message of the good news of Jesus Christ, the story of Christmas, begins with this truth: God loves you. It is a most amazing truth. It defines your very existence. You were made to live forever in God’s love. Read that sentence again; You were made to live forever in God’s love. That truth

  • The Culvert Pipe Buck0

    Several years ago, I mentioned the culvert pipe buck in a Webb article and promised that someday I would tell the story. Well, I’ve been stuck in COVID quarantine for ten days during deer season. I can’t think of a better time than now to keep my promise! The year was 1993. A new hunting

  • A Cradle with Your Name on It0

    This past Sunday, the Christian world entered the season of Advent. Like the Lenten season that precedes the celebration of Easter, Advent is a time of personal reflection, evaluation, and humble repentance that precedes the celebration of Christmas — and points us forward to the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Yes, King Jesus is coming


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