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  • Who Do You Say That I Am?0

    Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” It is the primal question of life and eternity. Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” See Matthew 16:13-20. Peter’s answer didn’t just come out of the blue. It was the result of witnessing astounding miracles, experiencing authoritative teaching, and

  • The Solid-Rock Principle of Love0

    Jesus didn’t leave behind a lot of words. He wrote no books or articles, left behind no letters or journals, and recorded no podcasts or videos. The only words of Jesus we have are recorded in the New Testament — and mostly in the four Gospels and Revelation. It is estimated that there are 31,000

  • Too Many Words0

    I make my living with words. Nearly everything I do involves words. From praying, preaching, teaching, and writing to counseling, consoling, and confronting — I work with words all day long. This is probably the reason my hobbies tend to be solo adventures. When I get some time away, the last thing I want to

  • Can’t Argue with That0

    If you’ve ever tried to debate your faith with a skeptic, then you know they can be very skillful at arguing against the existence of God and the authority and reliability of the Bible. In full disclosure, their arguments are generally valid. I know that because I tend to be very skeptical myself, so I’m

  • Transforming Grace — The Mission of God0

    The goal of my writing today is to inspire you to access the powerful transforming grace God has made available to us through the Mission of God. In this series of articles, we are recognizing one fundamental truth regarding transformational grace: God provides the grace, but we must access it. Doing so requires discipline. We

  • Transforming Grace – The Body of Christ0

    The goal of my writing today is to inspire you to access the powerful transforming grace God has made available to us through His Body, the Church. In this series of articles, we are recognizing one fundamental truth regarding transformational grace: God provides the grace, but we must access it. Doing so requires discipline. We


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