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Williamsport Music Club to Present Women Composers Program

Williamsport Music Club to Present Women Composers Program

In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Williamsport Music Club will present a program entitled “Beautiful Music Composed by Women” on Tuesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m., at Pine St. United Methodist Church.

Serving as program chairs are Kay Huffman and Laurel Wolgemuth.

Performing Rebecca Clarke’s “sonata for Viola and Piano, second movement,” will be violist Aiden Brown, a senior music student at Lycoming College, with Dr. Amanda Gunderon on piano. Gunderson will play “Until We Meet” by Florence Price. Violinist Jason Hurwitz, accompanied by Kristin Ivers, will present the last of the “Three Romances for Violin and Piano” by Clara Schumann. Laurel Wolgemuth, pianist, follows with Schumann’s “Impromptu in E Major.” The program will provide an opportunity for the audience to sing two hymns: “To God Be the Glory” and “Blessed Assurance” by noted, blind hymn-writer Fanny Crosby. Ivers will be providing the organ accompaniment. Soprano singer Susan Phillips, accompanied by Ivers, will sing “From a Distance” by contemporary composer Julie Gold. Wolgemuth will return to play Fanny Mendelssohn’s “Notturno in G Minor” on the piano. Sarah Decker, soprano, will sing “Sunset” by Florence Price with accompanist Ivers. The program will then conclude with Iver playing “Pickles and Peppers Rag” by Adaline Shepherd.

Ann Kaufman will serve as the greeter and President Ryan Workman will give opening remarks followed by the song and poem of the month presented by Leatha Kieser and Carol Waltz.

This is a free concert open to the public. The Williamsport Music Club is affiliated with the Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs and the National Federation of Music Clubs.

Performers for the Williamsport Music Club’s “Beautiful Music by Women Composers” (left to right): Aiden Brown, Dr. Amanda Gunderson, Sarah Decker, Laurel Wolgemuth, and Kay Huffman. Not pictured: Kristin Ivers, Jason Hurwitz, and Susan Phillips.

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