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Fire up the Bull-DOGE’R as March Madness Begins

Hello, West Branch Valley; I’m in agreement with the meteorological community; spring begins on March 1st. And that is worth celebrating with the winter we’ve had. I wish it were possible to have all the cheerleaders across our area doing the old-school “let’s get fired up” cheer for you as you begin reading my words. I apologize to those of you who have spent as much time as I have at sporting events from the elementary level right on through college. I know and understand you will probably have this cheer stuck in your head for a little while.

Let’s cheer for spring training baseball and winter sports champions being crowned from the high school level right up to the hardwood and wrestling mats of the NCAA tournaments. Let’s cheer for that hour and a half worth of daylight we’ll gain this month to go along with springing those clocks ahead. Let’s cheer for St. Patrick’s Day and all the spring traditions and events that have begun.

One of those Webb Weekly traditions is our annual Home Improvement Guide, which can be found inside your paper next week. I have already seen many bulldozers fired up across our area as the construction season has already thrown its first pitch. Whether you’re looking to turn over a little soil or have bigger ideas in your head, like a new kitchen, swimming pool, or maybe just bulldozing down your old house and putting up a new one. The right guy or products for the do-it-yourselfer will be at your fingertips in the March 12th issue.

That gets me to the bulldozing or bull dodging, cheering or jeering, and love it or despise it, that the Trump administration’s newly formed Department of Government Efficiency has created. This has been the topic so many of you have asked me to comment on.

First, let me say, like in the past, I will give you my honest assessment of President Trump’s second term, just like I gave you of President Obama’s two terms and President Biden’s lifetime of political service. Our Nation is more important to me than the political party in the Oval Office.

Our federal government has been grown into a monster that is eating and devouring the American taxpayer, voter, and freedom. This is nothing new; my father wrote about it years ago, and it’s been going on for generations.

Members of both parties have created this monster over the years but put it on steroids during the Obama Administration, COVID, and the Biden Administration. The wasteful spending, fraud, and corruption combined with the growing of wealth at the trough of the American tax-payer must end. It will destroy our Country through financial collapse from the inside out. We have seen the signs and warnings for decades; just look at the national debt. They have been ignored, in most cases, through political power and not being truthful with the American people.

For these reasons, I want to see every dollar accounted for, what it was spent on or intended to be spent on, and who is responsible, from the elected who approved it right down to the office responsible for the distribution. Much of what Senior Advisor to the President, Elon Musk, and his people are finding is absurd and should stop immediately. If any president had the strength to embark on this, I would feel exactly the same way. This would have gone double for the Biden Administration and the accusations made prior to his first day on the job. But we know how this story ended.

It should go without saying those responsible, those actually occupying the jobs at the end of this fleecing of the American people aren’t going to throw their hands up and say you’re right, you caught us, and we’ll go quietly.

This is where all the legal challenges and the jeering I mentioned from high-ranking democrats within the federal and state governments have come into play. And let me add that I know this was expected. What wasn’t expected by those advising the democratic leadership was just how poorly this would play with the American people who have less money in their pocket, more credit card debt than ever before, and, in one word, are angry.

I will finish up this week with some common sense points that Senior Advisor Musk, Vice President Vance, and President Trump have stated. I believe most understand what was said, but I’ll put them in my words. There are going to be mistakes made whenever you take something on, especially when it’s the size of the monster that has been created. These will be corrected, and the programs and funding that are actually legitimate will carry on. The difficulty is they’re entangled within the waste and cover-up. Just imagine the pure scope of forensic accounting and justification that has been taken on; it will take time.

I’ll end with this was going to be a controversial undertaking no matter who did it, the fact is Trump and Elon Musk provide the opposition with name hatred. Those who put this hate ahead of the Nation will never see the truth.

I’m out of space for this week. I will have more March Madness as it unfolds.

God Bless America.

Jim Webb