Spring training has begun, and the month of March is in sight. This can mean only one thing: it’s time for that column that so many of our hunters and outdoorsmen have been waiting to see. We have the results for our 17th Annual Webb Weekly Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest.
Before I get to the tale of the tape, I will keep you in suspense for a little bit longer with a quick overview of our annual contest. Most of you probably remember Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest is in memory of my Uncle Ron Maietta, who battled multiple sclerosis for years. He tried to never let it get in the way of a good hunting or fishing adventure. He loved just being out and about on God’s green earth and managed to find a way to do so until his passing.
The Uncle Rons also include long-time Webb Weekly family member Ron Mingle. Although Ron retired a few years back he has continued to oversee the Monster Buck Contest for us. Thank goodness for his help. His wife Steph has MS, and the Mingle family has been passionate about helping her, bringing awareness, and helping to raise money to battle the dreaded disease. It is in the uncles’ honor that for every hunter who takes the time to enter their trophy, a donation is made on their behalf to help fight MS.
Before I get to the winner winner, venison dinner, a sincere thank you to Dana Poust at Poust Taxidermy outside Jersey Shore. He has been our official scorer since the contest began. Thanks to Sam, the taxidermy lady, for all the help she gives Dana as the contest is going on. The monster buck of all receives a free shoulder mount courtesy of their great wildlife artistry.
A tip of my Second Amendment hat with the American flag on the side to Jon and Don at Sauers Trading in Southside. Along with Poust Taxidermy, they are a checkpoint for the initial scoring before the biggest bucks of all move on to the final measurements. Sauers Trading is also the provider of the Savage Axis rifle package with all the trimmings that every hunter who makes the time to enter is eligible for. I appreciate them taking care of all the legalities for the contest and the lucky winner. Remember, a trophy is in the hands of the holder, so any buck that has been legally harvested from our area can be registered. A double win that counts towards the MS donation and gets you entered at Sauers.
Stoltzfus Butchering and Venison Processing is my final tip of the Webb Weekly Blaze orange and camo with the American Flag on the side cap. They do an amazing job turning your venison into your favorite ready-for-the-table products. My sons and I are big fans of everything they make. The good folks there also provide $100 gift cards for our runner-up through fourth-place winners for venison processing.
Now to the results of our 17th Annual Webb Weekly Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. Fourth place goes to Jamie Crowley for his 11-point high-racked tank. It had a 17 ¼” spread and an SCI score of 153.
Third place was harvested by Ken Rogers. His wide rack trophy sported a 20 5/8” spread and had 10 points, scoring 158.2.
Our runner-up to the monster buck of the year was a good combination of both height and width. Jim Deremer harvested a 14-point buck with a 17 7/8” spread, scoring out at 164.1.
That gets us to our monster of the year. Drum roll, please, for Mike Clementoni, who takes the honors with his 11-point with a 22 1/8 spread. This amazing buck featured height, width, and mass, scoring 172.3. All I can say is wow, and way to shoot straight, Mike.
Last but definitely not least is our rifle package winner courtesy of Sauers. Congrats to Joe Smith, who entered by harvesting an 8-point with a 17-in spread. That’s a pretty darn good hunting season, Joe. A trophy buck and a new rifle.
Congrats to all our winners and to everyone who shared their hunting stories and allowed us to be part of your season. A total of 122 hunters entered, and a $5 donation will be made on behalf of each to battle MS. Great job, and sincere thanks to the hunting community.
I can’t wait to hear the turkeys gobbling; let’s all be careful out there and enjoy Penns Woods.
God Bless America.