With President’s Day approaching, I have heard from many of you waiting for my column and thoughts about President Trump’s first month in the White House. The most interesting thing is as I engage people in conversation, I either know or they inform me what political party they are registered with. I think the mainstream media underestimates how many Democrats agree with Trump’s early days in the Oval Office and no way wanted Kamala Harris or another round of Joe Biden.
A few Democrats have let me know that they despise President Trump. I think we all understand some will always feel this way, including some elected Republicans who will never have anything but a bitter taste for Trump. President Donald J. Trump is the most polarizing figure I’ve seen in my lifetime. Whatever he does draws the attention of the American voters and much of the world. I am still amazed at how the truth of what he actually says and how he applies it is twisted by so many. As I move forward to talk about the Superbowl and Valentine’s Day, I think it is safe to say the words love-hate relationship is where many stand on the president. As in, some will always love him, and some will always hate him.
There is just too much going on and too much good happening for me to dive into this anymore this week.
Tip of my Philadelphia Eagles cap to Editor Steph for last week’s column. Please remember, as I’m penning this, it’s Friday morning before the big game. I have to get Steph to figure out how to make my column magically appear after the paper is printed. So much happens during the weekends when my words are already written.
I cannot tell you how much fun I had talking with so many and getting their Super Bowl predictions. It was a great way to catch up with people and take a break from all that’s been going on in the world. The Super Bowl is always better when a team from Pennsylvania is playing. Pennsylvanians are very proud of our state’s pigskin heritage and want the world to see it.
As I drove to work before penning this, I got excited when the traffic light turned green just anticipating watching the game with my family on Sunday. Remember, I’m a Steelers fan first and an Eagles fan second, but I’m a lover of everything sports from the Keystone State. I can’t wait to see who predicted the right winner and final score. The winner may only get bragging rights, but I already know they’re a better prognosticator than Punxsutawney Phil. I can’t believe a couple of folks were actually upset that I would take Pennsylvania’s groundhog and put in an Ohio State reference to him. That gets back to that love word I’ve been mentioning. It can be used in many ways for a lot of different things, but some take it to heart, especially those who bleed Blue and White.
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. Please always remember love makes the world go round, not hate. And it’s up to all of us, no matter what our views are or who our favorite team is, to share goodness, not evil. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with something you don’t like; it just means you show the person compassion and respect as a fellow human being.
If you are a spiritual person, you understand the Bible is very clear about this. If you are not, I recommend you talk with a pastor, rabbi, priest, or religious leader you trust. I hope this sparks some interest in someone who hasn’t put a lot of thought into this or maybe has fallen away from their faith.
I’ll finish this week’s column up with some Valentine’s Day thoughts. Please take the time to reach out in some way to all those that mean so much in your life. The words, I love you, I’m thinking about you, Happy Valentine’s Day, will mean more to someone than you can ever imagine. We never truly know the challenges a person may be facing; a Valentine’s wish might make their day. We should know our spouse, children, and those closest to us, but life is complicated. Think about how much better the world could be if we share a Valentine’s wish every day.
For you husbands out there, don’t think that gets you off the hook for a nice card, candy, some flowers, and a meal out. Please don’t use me as your excuse.
This is a good place to remind you whether it’s Valentine’s Day candy or the upcoming Easter treats; please keep it away from your four-legged family members. They seem to have a nose for them. Don’t allow that nice heart filled with candy you left on the kitchen table, along with the perfect card, to end up in your yellow lab’s belly.
There are plenty of great ideas and places to take your Valentine out to in the pages ahead. I’m not sure if any also welcome your four-legged family members for dinner.
Let’s all enjoy Valentine’s Day and make somebody smile.
God Bless America.