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Pennsylvania Voters Didn’t Buy It

As I watched Channel 16 to begin my Friday morning after the election, there was a rock concert going on with Joe Snedeker in the backyard. This made possible by the fact they didn’t have to fill half the airtime with political commercials. Thank goodness this is finally over.

I have Penn State blue and white blood in my veins. I can’t help it, there are times I really wish I didn’t. My Father took me to Beaver Stadium at a very young age and I was hooked. He then took me to Rec Hall when I was a little older and I got to meet Head Coach Joe Paterno. I still remember looking up at him in awe. It didn’t even hit me at the time that he knew my Father on a first name basis and talked with him for several minutes.

However, the older I get the better this memory of my experience becomes. I’m sure you’re wondering where I am going with this.

I would have bet this was the year Head Coach James Franklin and the Nittany Lions would beat the Buckeyes long before I would have bet that Casey, Cartwright, and Kamala would all be sent packing. And that’s why I don’t bet. The good news for Penn State fans is they should still run the table and end up within the top 12 to make the college football playoffs.

Now to the 2024 Election.

It has become obvious the American people saw through the pile of manure the Democratic National Committee and those behind controlling the Oval Office tried to pull on the American voter. This pile of manure ran downhill all the way to the elections that took place in our Keystone State. Those behind the democratic advertising campaigns attempted to attack every candidate the same way they went after Donald Trump.

Pennsylvania voters didn’t buy it ending Matt Cartwright’s tenure and telling Senator Casey that you’ve gone way too far to the left — it’s time to go. This could possibly put an end to the Casey Dynasty, but we all know he’ll be back in some manner. They made sure the row offices in Harrisburg have Republican occupants and made a strong showing around the state of just how they felt.

I will not hit upon any of the most discussed commercial issues that are also the most divisive. As I’ve stated, we need to move forward together in a positive manner for the good of all. To me, this was not dependent on who won the election.

I will provide you my thoughts based upon the election results.

The only voting fact probably necessary is President Donald Trump became the first candidate in 40 years to sweep what is recognized as the swing States.

Back to that betting thing, I’m sure the odds of this occurring were very slim. There were several reasons this happened, but I’ll start by referencing Bernie Sanders; he stated the Democratic Party has abandoned the American worker and then were surprised when the American worker abandoned them. No truer words have ever been spoken whether they reference a most powerful union employee on the national level, or a local gas worker trying to power America with homegrown energy and ingenuity.

I want to be clear here though, it’s not just the American worker that makes his living with his hands that’s struggling, it’s everyone below a very, very high-income level. This includes the business owners that are the backbone of our economy in almost every field imaginable. The Biden presidency and Vice President Harris’s campaign promises and visions for the future did not help many who work every day for their living.

Do not allow the blame game that is being reported and going on within the Democratic Party to take focus away from what really has happened. President Biden wasn’t going to win, so they went against the American voter and worker and replaced him with Vice President Harris, and an even more liberal agenda including VP candidate Tim Walz. This ignored the true problems of the American people and focused on an even more progressive agenda.

It was obvious that even former President Barack Obama was never fully on board with this, and that has become clearer after the election. The way they cast President Biden to the side was never accepted by many close to the Oval Office and the American people saw through this ploy. Jill Biden’s reaction and red outfit on Election Day says a lot about what was going on behind the scenes. The democratic party would have been better served by sticking with President Biden.

I must give the women voters on both sides of the political aisle credit for understanding candidate Harris didn’t make herself worthy of becoming the first woman president in American history.

I’ll finish up this week with something I’ve written in the past; the hardworking everyday democrat need to take their party back. When I say this, it is out of respect for the democratic person.

It’s time to move forward together.

God Bless America.

Jim Webb