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I Want the Best Man for the Job

Well, the only thing hotter than the month of July was the madness we witnessed in the world. I left off last week talking about common sense; I’m going to pick back up right there. Please remember, if you missed my column or just enjoy reading online, every issue of our publication can be found at

It is common sense to me that if I am the President of the United States, I want the best Secret Service people from top to bottom protecting me. The attempted assassination of former President Trump, followed by the resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, has provided evidence this just isn’t the case.

With the amount of money our Nation spends on education, technology, training and the continued improvement of each, how can this happen? Most importantly, how do you fix it and hire the most qualified individuals to serve an agency that has no margin for error?

Well, the answers are pretty simple.

First, let me begin with my title and the phrase, best man for the job. In today’s politically correct world, I better clarify that I’m talking about a person, as in a man or woman. Next, let me say I want the best individual to fill whatever job I’m hiring for. My definition of equality, diversity, and inclusion when it comes to any workplace is that all are welcome to apply, as they should be. However, the best-qualified candidate will get the job.

If you eliminate your top candidates based on their looks, you are preventing the hiring of the most qualified person. You are also creating a discriminatory job search, which is the opposite of your claimed intention.

Let me be very clear: I have the utmost respect for all who serve our Nation within the Secret Service. They are the real-life men in black who protect our freedom each and every day. They have a tremendous track record. Please don’t allow the mistakes of a few to take away the effort and commitment of all who have come before and most who are currently serving.

For the United States Secret Service to move forward and stay out of the headlines is an easy fix. It begins with the hiring of the very best person at the top. This should be a priority at the highest level.

The turning of the tide on hiring the most qualified over the most preferred isn’t quite as easy to solve within our Federal Government. There always seems to be an organized effort working a political agenda to predetermine the makeup of, not the qualification for, the next person in line. The better the position, the more pressure there is to hire an individual of a certain type or look.

This is another issue that the next President will have to address and hopefully restore some common sense to. Obviously, the American voter will have a huge say in what happens. I hope they understand and make the candidates we are hiring explain where they stand.

Speaking of the American voter, I believe we finally know who will be on the ballot come November. I always say you can follow the money trail. There’s no way the Democratic Party was going to allow the campaign funding already raised, spent, and in the coffers not to transfer to the next in line — Vice President Kamala Harris. To be fair, could you ever see either party being put in a position to return already donated money?

She then got the support of the major players needed and instantly raised over 100 million dollars. AOC — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must be one heck of a campaign manager. The Democrats, who seem to be falling apart at the seams, have reunited with one goal to keep the White House by beating Donald Trump.

The next move I see coming is our Governor, Josh Shapiro, being asked to be Harris’s running mate. The more moderate Shapiro will present a whole new set of problems for Trump and his now-VP choice, JD Vance. My guess is it will instantly move the needle for the Democrats in key battleground states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. Shapiro will accept the offer. He has already shown President Biden and the party he is a team player.

There will be many twists and turns ahead as the election approaches. I will throw in — if Harris and the Democratic Party are too set in their ways to ask the best man for the job of VP, that could play right into the hands of Trump.

Next week, if nothing unforeseen happens, I will return to what I enjoy writing about the most: the great people, places, and events that make our little neck of the woods so special. Let’s all be safe out there.

God Bless America.

Jim Webb