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God Bless the USA

God Bless the USA

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! The heat wave has lifted! I was elated when I woke up this morning, Monday, June 24th, and saw the trees blowing from our bathroom window as I was brushing my teeth. I sprinted to the front door to see if the temperature had finally broken. It had! I officially put our air conditioners on a break and opened up all the doors and windows. That week felt hotter than the 4th of July. It was insane. Those kinds of temps in June seemed crazy to me. I then came to find out that we hadn’t felt heat like that since August 2022. It was so miserable that you didn’t even want to be outside.

Now, here we are, about one week from the actual 4th of July. How we got here, I am uncertain, but I do love celebrating America’s birthday. It’s such a fun time of year. I told you all how much my Gram, Lois Liddick, loves Jesus and America. I think it’s a perfect time to share a story.

My Gram used to be a substitute teacher for the Williamsport School District. It was always so fun to see her in different classes. The students seemed to really love her. One day, she was helping in an automotive class. She jumped around from all the different schools and classes. Each morning, you listened to the announcements and stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, let me just say that my Gram is a very loved lady. She never had anything bad to say about anyone and always pointed out the good in folks. But this morning in school, the announcements came on, and they asked everyone to stand facing the flag to say the pledge of allegiance. My gram noticed this boy not standing up as the rest of the class stood to their feet. She went over to this boy and said, “Excuse me, young man. You need to stand for the flag. My son is across the sea right now fighting for your freedom, and you will not disrespect the flag. Now, you get on your feet and show some respect, please.”

This boy stood up and did just that. I remember Gram telling us that the teacher came over and thanked Gram for doing that. The teachers couldn’t say anything, but my Gram didn’t care. She loves her flag, and not even a job would stop her from having someone disrespect it. If you can’t stand for our flag, then you shouldn’t have the privilege to live in this country. I know our country is a bit of a mess right now, but it’s still America, and by golly, we need to show her respect!

Spend this week celebrating! Hold your hand over your heart when they play God Bless the USA over the 4th of July when the fireworks are booming high over your head. Live it in the moment and know how lucky you are to live in this country. We should be thankful for the freedom we have and the time we have to be together with family for a picnic. Remember those who can’t be with their family on this holiday because they are fighting for our freedom! Don’t take your freedom for granted. A lot of people paid the price so we could live in this country. As you celebrate this weekend, remember that. Freedom doesn’t come free! Happy Birthday, America, the beautiful!

Chicken & Steak Kabobs
• 3 boneless skinless chicken breast, cut in chunks and seasoned with chicken seasoning
• 2 steaks, cut in chunks and marinated
• Red, green, & yellow peppers cut into small squares
• Kabob sticks (soaked in water)

Steak Marinade:
• 1 cup soy sauce
• 1 cup sweet cooking sherry
• 1 garlic clove chopped fine
• 1 tsp. Ginger

Mix well in bowl and throw in steak, place in fridge. (Let steak marinade at least 4 hours, if you can. The longer the better!)

Place the seasoned chicken and marinated steak on kabob sticks and place peppers in between as desired. You could add any veggie you would like if you don’t like peppers! I brushed some BBQ sauce on my chicken kabobs, but you don’t have too. Just have fun with them!