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Grit: March 5, 1967 – Area Industries Will Interview W.A.C.C. Graduates

More than 20 manufacturing representatives met recently with Williamsport Area Community officials to establish an interview program for 1967 graduates interested in area employment opportunities.

Dr. Kenneth E. Carl, college president and Lewis H. Bardo, dean of the school of applied arts and sciences, said some 383 graduates will be graduating in June from 16 departments of the college.

In order to arrange interviews all interested students should contact Mr. Bardo’s office to arrange the interviews.

College officials also suggested that interested industries should supply the college with applications to be completed by students. The application will be returned to the industry prior to the interviews, thus giving the hiring industry and opportunity to review a prospective employee’s background.

Student and industry representatives who are interested or have questions should call Mr. Bardo’s office.

In support of this program the West Branch Manufacturer’s Association indicates it plans to contact all graduating seniors in the applied arts and science departments by mail requesting the students the advantages of the program offered by the Susquehanna Valley industries and the Community College.