I’m proud to say I grew up at the top of Kane Street in Southside and worked my way down to where we now have our Webb Weekly office. It has been positive in life to have first been a Mountie through ninth grade and then moved across the river to become a Lancer. The older I get, the more I realize the true blessing has been that I got to know so many good people on both sides of the river over the years.
I consider Mountie head football coach Chris Eiswerth a good friend, as I have known him for most of my life. During a recent conversation, we talked about when we played for Saint Lawrence during our church league basketball days, and we were on opposing teams. The Webbs have also known the Engels, his wife Renee’s family, for a long time. In a picture I have from my Father, her dad, Joe, is right next to him. They were the pitcher and catcher during a South All-Star Little League game versus Brandon.
So, it comes as no surprise to me how dynamic the husband-wife team of Chris and Renee have been when it comes to football. Renee is always there and always supporting Chris in whatever way possible. The Eiswerth team effort also includes daughter Lilly as she has grown up with football being part of her family. Athletics and a passion for whatever game is being played are in the Eiswerth’s blood.
Coach E, as his players call him, will be the first to tell you his support group, beginning with his family, is what makes everything he does possible. This then branches out to his staff, players, school administrators, and all who support Mountie football.
He also considers what may be an obstacle to some to be a positive, as he coaches and lives in South Williamsport and teaches in Troy. One of the side stories that many may have missed during the Mountie’s run to the state final 4 was that the Troy School District actually had a Mr. E day in support of their educator and the Southside coach.
They sent him off to battle Steel High in the Eastern final with a surprise pep rally. To make the story even better, they were assembled in the gymnasium when he got to the school, and surprised him with the event. That tells you everything you need to know about the Troy community and how they feel about Chris.
The game may not have gone the way the Mounties wanted a couple of weeks back. The Steam Rollers have given schools much larger than South fits over the years in both football and basketball. However, I want to congratulate the South Williamsport footballers, coaches, school district, and Mountie Nation for representing the community as champions.
What Coach E and his team did was battle through adversity, continue to work hard, and play together and for each other all year long. The Mounties played their best football at playoff time, winning a District Title. Along the way, Coach Eiswerth became South’s all-time winningest coach and eclipsed the 100-win mark.
Congratulations to everybody who contributed to South’s amazing season. It takes a village to raise champions. I can guarantee that the players who made it happen will remember the journey together for a lifetime.
God Bless America.

3rd (Top) Row: Coach Lusk, Jonah White, Camden Hannan, Chance Quimby, Eli Harvey, Anthony Harper, Coach Wein, Coach Giles, Blake Marquardt, Tanner Smith, Max Wilton, Eli White, Cadden Smith, Evan Ogden, Neeko Bowen, Cole Gerber, Cade Lusk, Coach Smith, Coach White
2nd Row: Isaiah Snyder, Evan Barry, Dominic Snyder, Ryan Casella, Chris Confer, Kaiser Kistner, Logan Ball, Ben Ferris, Owen Bird, Ryan Bower, Chelsea Rieppel, Coach Engler, Coach Boone
Front Row: Tadd Lusk, Jack Fortin, Jayden Hamm, Garrett Cooley, Evan Tortellet, Dylan Scheller, Landyn Gephart, Brian Baysore, Mitchell LeBarre, Coach Eiswerth. Not Pictured: Ethan Gardner, Caleb Johnson, Luke Stoetzel