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Williamsport Sun: January 10, 1945 – Lycoming Labor Council Urges No-Strike Vote

A resolution calling upon the local units of the United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implements Workers, C.I.O. to vote affirmatively in a referendum on their union’s “no-strike” pledge, was passed by unanimous vote at a meeting of the Lycoming County Industrial Union Council last evening.

Ned Kocher, president of the council in a further effort to support the pledge, will broadcast to them over WRAK this evening.

The UAW is represented locally at the Aviation and Spencer Heater plants.

At the recent convention of the UAW, the anti-strike pledge was renewed, but a motion to submit to the entire membership to vote for or against the pledge was carried. Ballots have been distributed to the membership, including those in military service, and the vote will be completed in the next several weeks.

The resolution passed last night with the UAW delegate to the council among those attending says that “in the interest of production for victory and support of our government, our armed forces, the interests of organized labor, the no-strike pledge must be upheld,” and the Lycoming County Industrial Union Council issues an appeal to the UAW-C.I.O. in Lycoming County stand behind their international union officers and executive board by voting to maintain the no-strike pledge, thereby insuring a steady flow of vital war materials to back up our armed forces on the battlefronts.”