The following are the Winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest! Congratulations to all of our winners and many thanks to all of our entrants! We had hundreds of entries this year! You kiddos wore our elves out with judging!! We’d also like to thank all of the people who offered prizes for this year’s contest including: Libery Arena/Kaos Fun Zone/Fly World, English’s Model Railroad, Treasure Castle Playland, Elery Nau Hardware, Hooplas, Harder Sporting Goods, AMC Theaters, Dairy Queen, Trout Pond Park and Outback Roos. All prizes will be mailed to the winners!
The prizes for the winners will be:
1st Place – A $200 Gift Card to Liberty Arena/Kaos Fun Zone/Fly World.
2nd Place – Prizes from English’s Model Rail Road.
4 and under – $50 Gift Card;
5-7 – $100 Gift Card;
8-10 – $150 Gift Card
3rd Place – Two Admissions to Treasure Castle Playland.
4th Place – A sled from Elery Nau Hardware.
5th Place – A $25 gift card to Hooplas,
6th Place – A ball of your choice from Harder Sporting Goods.
7th Place – A $10 gift card to AMC Theaters.
8th Place – A $10 gift card to Dairy Queen.
9th Place – Admission to Trout Pod Park.
10th Place – Admission to Outback Roos.

4 and Under Winners:
1st – Rhoda Burkholder
2nd – Rowan Stine
3rd –Sydney Carson
4th – Leia L.
5th – Evelyn Mozug
6th – Julia Sweigard
7th – Theodore Comerford
8th – Camila Roupp
9th – Adalynn Armbruster
10th – Kendra Klobe

5–7-Year-Old Winners:
1st – Emma Herron
2nd – Emma Fisher
3rd – Wade Cooley
4th –Leda Burkholder
5th – Henry Michaluk
6th – Landry Houser
7th – Devlyn Irvin
8th – Piper Sweeley
9th –Matthia Hofford
10th – Elyse Lazorka

8–10-Year-Old Winners:
1st – Paige Zener
2nd – Landry Hill
3rd – Jack Herron
4th – Brightyn Grey
5th – Brennan Comerford
6th – Cara Ferguson
7th – Josephine Waltz-Seese
8th –Amelia Robbins
9th – Mia Herron
10th – Riley Harris
A big thank you to everyone who entered! Not everyone can win, but everyone deserves to be acknowledged for all their hard work! You all did an amazing job!
4 and Under:
Adalynn Armbruster
Mason Beck
Rhoda Burkholder
Nora Byers
Sydney Carson
Zekeial Cipriani
Jeremy Clark
Amelia Clinton
Theodore Comerford
Miles Desanto
Maezie Eggerton
Max Egli
Elias Egli
Josie Feerrar
Emanuel Fisher
Marian Fisher
Lucy Gair
Lyla Kish
Kendra Klobe
Leia L.
Zayne Laus
Lewis Lorson
Kash McKenzie
Violetta Miller
Emma Miller
Evelyn Mozug
Ronnie Munro
Kaysyn Neitz
Julion Ott
Brave Parker
Lucia Parker
Ruth Peachey
JJ Pearson
Addy Pearson
Mason Pepperman
Amelia Peterson
Kinsley Reish
Camila Roupp
Addison Scott
Elaina Shaffer
Brennan Shannon
Oliver Smith
Kaison Snyder
Ellieonna Snyder
Austin Steppe
Lennon Steppe
Rowan Stine
Julia Sweigard
Salem Talanca
Peighton Tubach
Neko Varano
Emerson Venturella
Hunter Wallace
Carly Walton
Emma Weidler
Brynlee Welshans
Ezra Wineberg
Bradley Wozniak
Brayden Wozniak
5-7 Year Olds:
Guinevere Adams
Scarlett Agnoni
Victoria Apker
Brinley Armbruster
Olivia Ashton
Ellis Baier
Charlotte Barlow
Noah Belvin
Harper Bennett
Harper Bennett
Mason Betz
Lila Bleam
Wesley Boatman
Marla Bonner
Amia Bower
Meela Brewer
Ashton Bubb
Leda Burkholder
Brynley Busbee
Clayton Byers
Braxton Carper
Raymond Chow
Pandora Cioffi
Linkoln Cipriani
Ellie Coffman
Alverda Comerford
Whitney Conoway
Scarlette Cooley
Wade Cooley
Khloe Cresswell
Avianna Croyle
Hayden Damschroder
Alba Davis
Madison Dobbs
Luke Doherty
Jaxson Dreibelbis
Nora Driscoll
Judah Egli
Charlotte Emerick
Ellery English
Emery Ferrell
Mia Fidler
Michael Fisher
Emma Fisher
Krew Fleegle
Luke Flynn
Brooke Fogleman
Mattie Frank
Isabella Frederick
Alexa Fredo
Elizabeth Fye
Derek Gair II
Henry Gardner
Steven Glick
Ian Glidewell
Kensleigh Gordner
Avery Gottschall
Maeve Guild-Weaver
Hunter Guisewhite
Annalou Handy
Chloe Hasara
Vail Heckrote
Emma Herron
Addalynn Hill
Noah Hill
Matthia Hofford
Landry Houser
Mabel Howe
Greyson Hugglei
Arowyn Ireland
Devlyn Irvin
Liam Jacobs
Alexander Jacobs
Noah Jensen
Jonathan Kaminski
Michael Kane
Eleanor Kane
Caden Karschner
Charlie Kelly
Aaliyah Kelly
Zoey Khetani
Grayson Kirk
Amelia Kozak
Harper Lake
Ephrain Lapp
Celine Lazorka
Elyse Lazorka
Laurel Leidhecker
Rylan Leonard
Haven Lorson
Suzie Lovell
Kya Luxenberger
Sophia Lynch
Emma Machinski
Nolan Marr
Ellie McNett
Stephen Meixel
Catherine Melvin
Xavier Meza
Henry Michaluk
Foster Miller
Grayson Miller
Kyra Moore
Olivia Myers
Sophea Neese
Neiko Noon
Jionni Ott
Emily Paulhamus
Madison Paulhamus
Joelle Pauling
Jackson Perry
Lexi Perry
Beatrice Poorman
Annabelle Quigel
Naomi Richards
Liam Roan
McKenna Roan
Payton Rohe
Casidee Sabatino
Gabriella Sayers
Myla Schmidt
Keira Scott
Xavier Seese
Rowyn Sepunski
Elena Shaffer
Jaxon Shaffer
Percy Shaffer
Jackson Shelinski
Colleen Sherman
Lucy Shortledge
Lillian Sizemore
Quinn Smith
Maggie Smith
Autumn Steppe
Arlo Steppe
Daniel Stoltzfus
Piper Sweeley
Sawyer Sweeley
Judah Sweeley
Evelyn Sweigard
Melanie Tate
Elijah Taylor
Nikolai Torres
Julian Troxler
Hugo Varano
Beckett Venturella
Harley Weaver
Kaylee Weaver
Joseph Weeks
Arianna Welshans
Dawson Wesner
Laree Wineberg
Nathan Wolf
Paisley Workman
Enos Yoder
8-10 Year Olds:
Katie Ann
Piper Askey
Noah Baer
Stephen Beiler
Stevie Beiler
Levina Beiler
Barbie Beiler
Ella Beiler
Kiefer Betz
Lylie Bower
Ella Boyd
Leeiana Brewer
Karley Brewer
Chloe Burd
Alan Burkholder
Sophia Burley
Kaylyn Carichner
Mallory Carter
Brennan Comerford
Sophia Conoway
Braelyn Counsil
Tre’Jon Craver-Hannah
Tenley Cresswell
Ryder Croyle
Daniella DePrenda
Cecelia Ditzler
Connor Doebler
Morgan Doherty
Sofia Donlin
Hunter Dreibelbis
Jake Driscoll
Elizabeth Easton
Dylan Fedder
Cara Ferguson
Gideon Fisher
Levi Fisher
Mary Fisher
Ivan Fisher
Lydiann Fisher
Marianna Fisher
Benjamin Fisher
RJ Foster
Juliana Fox
Alivia Frey
Hayden Friant
Penelope Gair
Tarek Ghayyada
Bryson Gorman
Zailee Green
Brightyn Grey
Benjamin Gusick
Caleb Haldeman
Adam Haldeman
Titus Hall
Olivia Harris
Riley Harris
Scarlett Hensler
Mia Herron
Jack Herron
Harrison Hersh
Vy’lette Hill
Landry Hill
Amia Hill
Evangelina Hnery
Ariana Janerella
Livee Kamerer
Nate Kaminski
Adalyn Keebler
Kadence Kelchner
Bailey Kennedy
Alana Kidd
Gideon King
Anna King
Tristan Klobe
Kaitlyn Kriger
Tessa Kunkle
Sarah Lapp
Mark Lapp
Arizona Ledford
Bryn Lorson
Mya Lorson
Emma Lynch
Jessica Martin
Joanna Martin
Loretta Martin
Tyler McClain
Joseph McErn
Kate McLaughlin
Adalyn Meixel
Jacob Mercado
Mason Mogret
Brayden Moon
Kyrie Moore
Isaac Motyka
Alexandria Moulder
Dayonah Mullen
Kynleigh Nau
Lia Neese
Javon Ott
Mallory Paronish
Mark Passmore
Luke Paulhamus
Bailey Perry
Brantley Persun
Evan Puderbaugh
Lee Raup
Brandon Renninger
Amelia Richards
Amelia Robbins
Felicity Rodkey
Elaina Rodriguez
Tristan Rosato
Isaac Sauers
Dyllan Sauers
Sophia Shaffer
Blaze Sherman
Conrad Sherman
Harper Shortall
Brayden Smith
Anyssa Steppe
Leah Stoltzfus
David Stoltzfus
Nora Sunderland
Gianni Taddeo
Serenity Thomas
Aubrey Tolentino English
Lyric Utter
Kierstyn Walker
Gabrielle Wall
Aiden Wallace
Josephine Waltz-Seese
Chailyn Wanamaker
Beatrix Way
Miya-Nicole Williams
Wyatt Wolfe
Emmaline Zarr
Paige Zener
Other Entrants: