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Williamsport Sun: May 20, 1910 – King’s Funeral a Gorgeously Solemn Affair

The body of Edward VII, late King of England and foremost of the rulers of the earth, was laid to rest today in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, where seven other British kings are buried. It was the most imposing funeral the world has ever seen, and literally speaking the world did see it, for nine ruling monarchs, the official representatives of other great powers, and a host of lesser royalty, including the heirs apparent of many world’s thrones, took part in the obsequies. The worldwide note of grief that held the city dumb through the solemn cortege through the streets was more eloquent that Edward dead was even greater than Edward reigning.

Two weeks of mourning for the dead king and preparations for the funeral had wrought the populace to a high nervous tension. Hundreds fainted in the vast throngs that line the streets from Westminster Hall to the Paddington Station.

A moment of excitement happened at the outset of the procession when the Duke of Connaught, brother of the dead king, who rode with Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, immediately behind King George V, was nearly thrown from his horse, the spirited animal became frightened and reared violently. Soldiers grabbed the bridle of the maddened animal and succeeded in quieting him.

Among the many touching incidents that marked the funeral, none affected the crowd more than the act of Alexandra, the Queen Mother, who before entering her carriage, stopped and stroked the mane of the late king’s favorite charger and petted the head of “Caesar,” a fox terrier, of which Edward was very fond. The dog has whined constantly since the death of the king and today was placed under the care of a veterinarian.