Record inflation, the worst 1st term start in presidential history, and hardworking Americans getting fleeced at every turn. And that’s just for warmups. All of the above make it a great week to stress some positives. So, let’s move right along and talk about some great accomplishments by folks in our area.

South Williamsport’s Olivia Dorner has been on our cover twice as a PIAA state tennis champ. The amazing young athlete earned another great honor this past week. She was named to the USA Today High School Sports Awards girls’ tennis team. What a great way to cap off a high school career that included those back-to-back state championships, 4 district titles, and a 73 and 2 career record as a Mountie. I must also note her only two losses were in the state tournament her freshmen and sophomore years. Webb Weekly congratulates Olivia on being named all-American. A great honor for a fantastic young lady.

Moving from the tennis court to the motocross track, Broc Rupert has had a passion for riding and racing since he was just young. He has worked extremely hard and paid his dues in a most difficult sport of motocross. Broc recently competed at the Mideast Regionals at Briar Cliff Motocross in Nashport, Ohio, and won, or maybe I should say qualified, his way to compete for a National Title. He will be at the AMA National Championships at Loretta Lynn Ranch in Tennessee the first week of August. By earning a spot at the event, Broc is one of the 40 best riders in the Nation at his classification. Tip of my Webb Weekly racing cap to team Rupert, and good luck at Nationals. They will be kicking up dust in an upcoming article.

I have known Mike Sharrow for a long time. I wish I could get a count on how many games he umpired of my sons Jimmy and Hunter at all the different levels of baseball as they grew up. He is truly one of the good guys and always approaches the game as being more than just about balls and strikes. He has his own unique style, is there to help the kids, and has an unbelievable understanding of the game and its rules. I’m proud to consider Mike a friend, and always enjoy talking baseball with him.
So, for all these reasons, it just seemed fitting that as my nephew Gage was getting ready to compete for a District 12 Championship at Volunteer Stadium that Umpire Mike Sharrow was being honored for 50 years of service by District 12 Little League Baseball. And no, I did not miss that call; you read it correctly, 50 years!
It was also fitting that Little League and District 12 Baseball’s Chris Downs and Doug Alexander presented Mike the award for his decades of dedication and service. The three have worked together many a time over the years. A special shout out to Chris for everything he does up on the hill and out on the fields within our local communities.
Please, folks, as you’re attending games, remember, there are many things more important than wins and losses and out and safe calls. I encourage more individuals to get involved in umpiring. Again, a tip of the cap to you, Mike, and thank you for being everything an umpire should be about on and off the diamond.
God Bless America.