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Why Men Need to Moisturize

Have you ever had a good pair of leather shoes? Have you ever gone a few months (or years) without conditioning or polishing them as you continue to wear them every day? How did they look? Well, consider your skin like leather. If skin is not taken care of over time, cracks, deep crevices, and general wear will age it. Skin IS resilient, but that doesn’t mean you can forgo regular protection and care. For men, just a bit of effort can have big results.

The bare minimum of daily washing and once-a-day moisturizing make a huge difference. Here are some quick and easy steps to keep your skin healthy.

First, identify your skin type. Sensitive skin reddens easily and stings or burns when you apply most products. For the other types, the condition of your T-Zone (across your forehead and a straight line down your nose to your chin) will help you identify which category you fit in. At the end of the day, examine the area. A matte surface means dry skin, a greasy or shiny zone translates to oily, and if your face is just slightly slick, you have normal or combination skin.

For sensitive skin, avoid irritating ingredients, such as alcohol, fragrances, dyes, and preservatives (parabens). Moisturize daily with mild products specifically designed for sensitive skin. For dry skin, use a moisturizing cleanser and follow up with a rich moisturizer. As long as acne is not an issue, oil-based lotions are a good choice, especially at night. If you have oily skin, use an oil-free cleanser and moisturizer in the morning. If you are concerned with acne, apply a treatment like a lightweight serum or toner at night. The trick with combination skin is creating balance. Aim for a medium-weight product that maintains moisture but doesn’t add oil to already shiny areas.

To start moisturizing, first, wash your face. Removing surface dirt and oil will allow any moisturizer to penetrate your skin’s surface. Cleansing and moisturizing twice a day, morning and night, is optimal. However, if you can only commit to one session of washing and hydrating, it’s best to pick the time of day that works for you and your skin. Does your occupation require a shower afterward? Then, by all means, wash and moisturize in the evening. Do you wake up kind of shiny or oily in the morning? Then cleanse and hydrate in the morning. Do you work out midday? Do some skincare in the afternoon. Whatever best suits your life, lifestyle, and skin.

Regardless of when or how often you moisturize, the leading cause of skin damage is not wearing sunscreen. In the summer especially, an SPF of 30 or higher is recommended. You can moisturize and protect two birds with one stone by using a lotion that has SPF built in. Once fall hits, consider swapping out the higher UV protection for a product with SPF 15. Even in the colder months, sunscreen is still an important component of skincare.

Speaking of care, the skin around the eye is sensitive, extremely delicate, and prone to wrinkling. I’m the first to admit a man with a rugged look about him can be quite attractive; however, wrinkles are another form of skin damage. If you really want to protect your face, think of the leather shoe from above, then consider dabbing an eye cream to your undereye area after brushing your teeth before bed. Look for a cream with hyaluronic acid or vitamin E for the best results.

Moisturizing is not just limited to the face. Guess what? Your whole body is covered in skin. That’s why the epidermis is the largest organ for humans. Hot showers, bar soaps, and dry air can take their toll on your body — especially your knees, elbows, and extremities, so use a body cream to replenish moisture. When you’re done in the shower, apply a body lotion to seal in moisture to your skin. Be sure to cover those knees, elbows, and feet.

My husband uses Nivea aftershave to moisturize. As a household, we use CeraVe and Aquaphor as a body lotion. So, you don’t need fancy-schmancy products to take care of your skin, just regular drugstore items. If you want to explore some brands, check out the men’s line from Kiehl’s. There’s also Brickell that offers a suite of products for cleansing and moisturizing; a company called Every Man Jack, or products from Bulldog, which features an oil control face wash. Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to be complicated, but it should be a daily practice, just like brushing teeth, combing hair, and applying sunscreen.

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