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Everyday Extraordinary

Jesse Owens, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Ludwig van Beethoven. What do all of these people have in common? They all have done extraordinary things. While some people stand out as extraordinary, others remain seemingly unknown to history. Still, everyone has the innate potential to be extraordinary.

Robert Chen, founder of Embrace Possibility and author of Dreams to Reality Field book believes that extraordinary people possess specific qualities and that these qualities are things that everyone can pursue. Of the 30 traits that Chen believes are essential to greatness, a handful stood out from the rest.

Vision and Purpose: Successful people have a clearly defined vision of what they want to achieve. This ability to remain laser-focused on a goal gives them the stamina to stay on track over the long-term. Tasks that will not contribute to the accomplishment of their ultimate goal avoided.

Pursuit of Excellence: Extraordinary people crave excellence. To them, being the best at something outweighs material gain. Value comes from working at something until it is mastered.

Positive Attitude: Extraordinary people are optimists. That is not to say they are unrealistic, but they are generally positive, happy people. They believe that they can achieve their goals when others doubt them. They can create a plan, take actionable steps, and stay the course. When they encounter failure they are able to adjust and modify their plan and continue moving forward.

Skilled Communicators: People who excel in any field are almost always effective communicators. They understand that to achieve any goal takes the efforts of many people. They are able to share their dream with others in a way that makes people want to buy-in and become a part of that dream. They are excellent at conveying their ideas using many types of communication including written, verbal and non-verbal communication.

Action-Oriented: Extraordinary people walk the talk. When they say they will do something, they do it. They do not simply keep telling people about their goals over and over but put a plan into motion. They understand there is never the perfect time to make a move. They take the action-oriented, not procrastinators.

Curious: Successful people are always learning. They want to know how things work, what other people are doing, and better ways to accomplish goals. They are not stuck in their ways but are flexible enough to know that there are multiple ways to accomplish a task and that their way may not be the best.

Dream Big: Extraordinary people dream big. They set goals that the average person cannot comprehend. To many, an extraordinary person’s plans seem ridiculous and compel negative people to be discouraging. When most people are afraid to step outside of their comfort zone, extraordinary people are willing to take risks to pursue a seemingly impossible goal.

Anthony Moore, writer for CNBC, Business Insider, and other publications believes that to be extraordinary everyone needs to be committed to constant improvement. He sites development of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person and that goal setting for each of these areas is a must. Moore also believes that in order for people to be successful they must be willing to sever ties with toxic people even if that makes them unpopular. Extraordinary people cannot afford to be slowed down by small-minded people. In addition, the best people are unapologetically committed to their values. Regardless of what the group says or does, extraordinary people know right from wrong and stand their ground.

Whether you have an Ivy-League background and have blue-blood running through you veins or come from the most humble of beginnings, all of us have the ability to be extraordinary. We can choose to dream big, create a plan, and work hard to achieve our goals. We can choose to adopt a positive attitude and lift up others around us. Being extraordinary is not about making money but is about choosing to be the best version of ourselves. So, rather than complain about your circumstances, choose to intentionally achieve things that are important to you. To be extraordinary, you do not need to be wealthy or famous. You simply need to have a goal and be willing to work hard in pursuit of that goal.

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