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Gazette and Bulletin: February 26. 1898 – Talks on Patriotism

All of the public schools of Williamsport held special exercises yesterday in memory of George Washington. As last Tuesday, Washington’s Birthday was a legal holiday, there was no school sessions, so it was decided to postpone the celebration until yesterday. Some of the schools made special preparations for the event and many of the rooms were appropriately decorated.

Committees from the Reno Post of the Grand Army of the Republic also visited various schools and participated in the program. The purpose was to have the veterans inculcate in the minds of the youth of America patriotism.

The exercises and speakers were as follows:
Past Commander James B. Smyth and James N. Kline addressed the high school students. The remarks of each were interesting and inspiring. Smyth remarked how impressive the raising of the flag ceremony on a man-o-war and how it compels a sense of respect from foreigners and devotion from the sons of the land of freedom. Colonel Smyth closed by saying that he hoped that the students of the Williamsport High School would always be true and patriotic citizens of the United States.

James N. Kline followed by saying that patriotism is the highest type of sentiment. That it should be especially taught in schools, For from those institutions go the future citizens of the country.

The speaker reviewed Washington’s life related some incidents of that winter at Valley Forge and compared Washington to other noted army leaders.

Abraham Lincoln’s life and what he accomplished was also detailed. May the country never know another war, but it must come let everyone remember to stand by the Union forever and love, honor and be faithful to the flag.

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