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Stay Positive and Be Grateful

I recently received an unexpected, but welcomed, phone call from a long-time friend and mentor. In some of my previous articles, I mentioned this same high school wrestling coach that took me under his wing and introduced me to competitive powerlifting. Though we have generally stayed in touch over the years, we are both extremely busy with work and families, so we do not get a chance to speak as often as I would like.

Knowing that I had written books on strength training and had shot a handful of videos on the same topic, my friend asked if I would be interested in helping with a project he was working on. My former coach has been highly involved with the Special Olympics for decades. With the recent pandemic, Special Olympians, like all athletes, are no longer able to train in public facilities. Some of the people in the organization have recently put together a site where instructional videos can be uploaded to help these athletes train at home with limited, or no, equipment.

Knowing that I love a good challenge and that I was a fan of working out with “found” objects, he asked if I would put together series of videos that would help these athletes keep up their powerlifting at home. Of course, I couldn’t possibly refuse.

The point of this story is that even in the midst of a world-wide pandemic, life goes on, and there are still good works to be done. It is easy to get caught up in our own lives with our own problems, but it is how we treat one another in times of crisis that defines us. It is important now, more than ever, that we show gratitude, help each other, and keep moving forward.

I was grateful to get the phone call from my friend and mentor and was honored that he thought enough of me to ask a favor. I am also glad to help these Special Olympians in some small way, and I am excited to work on an interesting project. All of us have things for which to be joyful. Find them, stay positive, and stay safe. We will get through this together (but separately, you still need to stay home)!

Note: Regarding my friend, the last time we had spoken was about a year ago. My former coach and his wife were to be inducted into my high school’s Hall of Fame for a lifetime of community service. When I heard of the award, I felt so strongly that people should know how profoundly and positively my coach had affected my life that I wrote an email to my high school’s current athletic director.

My letter that was read at the award ceremony:

“I will not be able to attend but just wanted to drop a quick note to say how much of a positive impact these people have made in my life and the lives of many others. Mike took me under his wing when I wrestled for him in high school and became like a second big brother to me. I used to actually get out of bed at 3:30 a.m. and my drive old Chevette to an unheated gym just so I could work out with Mike at 4 a.m. I didn’t realize I had the ability to sleep in at the time, though I doubt Mike would have given me the choice. He taught me discipline and self-esteem and the value of hard work. In addition, he gave me great life advice. Had he not done these things for me, I fear that my life may have taken a much darker path during some very formative teenage years. He probably never knew that he had this much of an impact. Still, I felt it was important to put my gratitude into words and am very glad that these two very deserving people are being honored for their many contributions to society. Please feel free to share my comments.”

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