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Gazette and Bulletin: February 12, 1929 – C.H. Eldon Recalls Lincoln

“I well remember the battle of Gettysburg, the booming of the cannons and the roar of the smaller field pieces being fresh in my memory.” Among the Williamsporters who were in Gettysburg when Abraham Lincoln delivered his immortal address was Charles H. Eldon, who shared the speaking honors with Clarence L. Wannamaker at the Williamsport Rotary Club’s Lincoln anniversary luncheon yesterday afternoon at the Lycoming.

Mr. Eldon was introduced to the Rotarians by John M. Young, who was also in Gettysburg and saw and heard Lincoln speak. Mr. Eldon in a reminiscent  mood spoke as follows:

“At the time I was between 11 and 12 years old and lived in Benderville, the place of my birth, which was seven miles north of the battle line.

“As Lincoln was delivering his immortal at Gettysburg and as I stood on the northwest corner of the square, the procession formed and as it passed en route to the place where the dedicatory exercises would be held, I saw Lincoln for the first time. He was seated on dark bay horse and appeared to be in deep thought seemingly oblivious to the surging crowd in its eagerness to see him as the sea of faces swayed like a mighty wave.

“As Lincoln delivered his address and as I stood at the end of the platform at the right, hoping to hear his voice if not his words. I climbed upon the platform but owing the commotion of the throng about the platform I failed to hear his voice. Yet I have the satisfaction of having been present when Lincoln delivered his memorable address.

“These recollections have been an inspiration to me during the intervening years, to have if possible, a deeper and stronger veneration for Lincoln and the God Man.”

“These memories to me are cherished memories.

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