Welcome to a new year — may it be the best one yet for you! If you made New Year’s resolutions may they succeed. During this time of resolutions and “makeovers” here are a few interesting, I hope, thoughts I would like to contribute.
I remember making lists of resolutions when I was a child but only recall two now. One was washing the dishes for my mom every day for the year. I think that lasted one week. The other was after mom taught me how to play a few beginning songs on the piano that I was going to become the world’s best pianist. How did that turn out? Well, today, I can play/fumble through some children’s songs for Sunday School. When I get lost the children just keep on singing anyway, thank goodness!
If only “heaps” of motivation and willpower were necessary to make something succeed keeping resolutions and goals would be a slam dunk! When I was in my early 20s, I resolved to run a marathon “sometime soon.” I started running a few days a week after work along river paths in Fort Wayne, Indiana, past Johnny Appleseed’s gravesite, and other historical places. I started thinking I was getting good, really good, sort of like a Rocky Balboa triumphantly bouncing up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I was getting to where I could “run” (“plod along” in hindsight) about eight miles. When I saw a notice for a first time annual 10K run in downtown Fort Wayne, not only was I going to run in it but I was going to be the first winner since “someday” I was going to be a marathon runner, and 10K was just a warm-up!! I had enough determination and will power to run the 10K twice before anyone made it around once!
Race day arrived. The course map looked something like a lollipop with the straight part, Main St. and the bridge over the St. Joseph River, being the start and finish. The loop went through the Lakewood district. There were several hundred runners, and we took off. I was somewhere in the middle. My strategy was brilliant and foolproof, run a little faster than everyone else and finish first. This would be easy! I was even rehearsing my victory speech and reminding myself to “keep it simple and humble.” As I was crossing the bridge into the Lakewood loop, I was stunned to see runners heading back to the finish line, having completed the loop already! I was amazed that anyone could run that far so fast! My attitude switched from trying to “beat everyone” to just “being in it together” and running at a gradually decreasing speed to the finish. Later that summer my knees had enough of my “marathon madness” — end of story.
I think my failed resolutions come from being overly ambitious and overestimating my God-given skills and talents. I believe that every one of us is born with a purpose, no one is a mistake. We are created with different aptitudes for various tasks and activities. Contributing to the wellbeing of others is a vital part of life. It’s amazing that Jesus, the greatest king of all time, washed the disciples’ feet during His last supper on earth, a lowly servant’s job.
One resolution we can keep is to be a bit more kind and helpful to others, even if it is just a brief smile, a “Hi there,” or holding a door open.
Another resolution that is relatively easy to keep is to read something Biblical each day. Why? Because: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,” Psalm 119:105. I just checked, and there are at least ten sites on my phone for a verse of the day. It won’t take more than several seconds daily, but even one verse will change your day for the better.
I concluded 2018 by making a big blunder, despite many times in the past vowing, “I’ll never do anything like that again.” At times, what seems to be the right choice at the moment turns out to be wrong. Mistakes teach many things, but unfortunately, they are always emotionally and sometimes physically painful and always have a cost, some permanent. So, again, I resolve to slow down and think things through and to consult others when possible before making a final decision. I admit, this resolution is a “toughie” to keep.
When we meet our Creator face to face, the only fact that will matter is our relationship with Him. We won’t be asked whether we kept our resolutions, or if we checked off all the items on our “bucket list.” God does have plans for every one of us. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” What an amazing verse!
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