
Latest Issue

A Look Back and Moving Forward

Where did those summer months ago? As I am sitting here penning my article, September and autumn are now on the horizon. There’s also so much going on around our Great Nation and beyond, where do I start? With the good, the bad, the ugly — or maybe the pending natural disaster that’s bearing down on the Gulf Coast.

What an unbelievably great Little League World Series this year. The two-week long event has continued to grow and get better every Little League season. The addition of the MLB-LLB Classic at the newly renovated Historic Bowman Field could not have gone off any better. The interaction between the Major Leaguers and Little Leaguers was tremendous. From their first arrival and riding on the buses together to the celebration that was the game. Great job by all involved in bringing this event to life. And wow, how great did the event play on TV. BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field viewed as nice as any Major League park around the Country. What a great place to play baseball the City of Williamsport has after the event. Every player in the New York-Penn League will look forward to playing here.

As always, the Little League World Series is made so special year in and year out by all the great folks in our area that host the event. Tip of the cap to all that volunteer in so many different ways.

The high school football season has kicked off, and Penn State, Lycoming, and the college action are soon to follow. It’s good to hear so much positive about local teams, coaches, and players. There appears to be a great season of gridiron action on the way. Throw in the Steelers and Eagles on Sundays and fall weekends will be pigskin filled. Make sure you get out and support your favorite local team.

I guess we better talk about what’s going on in Washington and beyond. Although I’d sooner stick to the sports.

President Donald Trump is gearing up to make a big push on tax reform. In the spirit and mindset of President Ronald Reagan, it is said to be the largest since he pulled it off in the 80s. I agree with the philosophy — keep more money in the pockets of the American worker. Allow the private sector to stimulate the economy. I think all in Washington have proven that more taxes does not equate to a better economy and definitely not a balanced budget. It’s just more to be flushed down the black hole of national debt.

Herein lies the problem! President Donald Trump is not President Reagan. President Reagan had a way about him that united people. He was able to get both Republicans and Democrats working together for the good of our nation. President Trump needs to unite his own party first and get them all on the same page and work out from there.

I know what some of you are thinking. It’s not President Trump that’s the problem; it’s those on both sides of the aisle that will not work with him. He’s an outside The Beltwayer and those inside live for gridlock.

President Reagan was faced with the same problem, to a lesser degree I must add. He was an outsider, an actor from Hollywood. That is where approach and the ability to unite comes in play. President Reagan was a great leader of people, a true gentleman, and unifier. He knew how to play hardball, but only did as a last resort. This is the page Mr. Trump needs to take from his playbook.

Our Country has too many issues that need to be addressed, the gridlock must stop, and we must move forward with some better ideas together as One Nation Under God.

We must stop repeating mistakes of the past. Those who choose to be elected officials must work for the American people as the system intended. Not for a party or personal gain.

As citizens of our Great Land, we must hold government accountable. Granted, it is hard sometimes to figure out what the truth is and which report is accurate. We must move forward in the name of good and love our fellow Americans, not allowing anything to divide us. We must respect each person and their opinion based upon their character and the freedom of speech with which we are all blessed. You don’t have to agree, but love and respect will win out over the alternative.

Lastly, what a strange weather year we have had. Throw in last week’s solar eclipse, and now Hurricane Harvey is a pending disaster. Estimates are as high as 30 inches of rain to fall between Corpus Christi and the Houston area along with a strong storm surge.

With all the severe weather we’ve been having, for the most part, we have been fortunate. Say a prayer for those affected by the hurricane. I can’t even imagine what that region will be facing by the time you’re reading this.

God Bless America.

Jim Webb

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