
Latest Issue


ARIES – Mar 1 – Apr 20

Aries, you might have been thinking about making changes for a very long time. One of the biggest changes could be moving home base. Look at real estate.

TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21

Taurus, even if you’re not sure what to do this week, you may have to make a decision quickly. Take an innovative approach when mulling your options if need be.

GEMINI – May 22–Jun 21

Nothing but pleasant energy will surround you this week, Gemini. Use it to your advantage to get a lot of things done at your own pace. Then you can enjoy a night or two out this week.

CANCER – Jun 22–Jul 22

Don’t let a cranky beginning to the week ruin the rest of it. There are plenty of days to recover and have a good time with friends and family.

LEO – Jul 23–Aug 23

Leo, typically you enjoy being the center of attention and being gregarious with others. This week you might want to step back and enjoy some quiet time at home.

VIRGO – Aug 24–Sept 22

Just when you thought you wouldn’t hear back from someone you thought was out of your life, he or she turns up again, Virgo. You are not sure how to feel about this.

LIBRA – Sept 23–Oct 23

This week could prove to be all about the unexpected, Libra. Some things may not go according to plan, but it can be fun to be on a little bit of an adventure.

SCORPIO – Oct 24–Nov 22

Scorpio, you are in a home-driven mood, with plans for renovation on your mind. While you are full of inspiration, the only thing holding you back is the budget.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23–Dec 21

Sagittarius, if someone had predicted last year where you’d be right now, you might not have believed it. But just look at how far you have come in such a short amount of time.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22–Jan 20

You might be walking on shaky ground, Capricorn. Certain variables are shifting, and you need to plan for a way to navigate the new situation. Trust your gut.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21–Feb 18

You are always there for other people when they need you no matter how inconvenient that can be for you, Aquarius. This week someone else steps up and take the weight off you.

PISCES – Feb 19–Mar 20

Pisces, you are in a dreamy mood and everything seems like you are looking through rose-colored glasses. Have fun while it lasts, but don’t venture too far away from reality.

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