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Port Proud

Port Proud

Yes. I got bumped last week. My lovely editor wrote a beautiful piece. WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS FALL? She went above and beyond. Lots and lots of words, kids. Check it out. Now Steph needed some extra space. She borrowed Jimmy’s. Who then took mine. No worries. They both asked permission and gave me props. Case closed. Several folks reached out and wondered where I was. Teach had the ultimate post in response. There was a picture of me sitting at the table. I was struggling with the Webb Weekly’s SUDOKU. My wife and son accuse me of reading my articles to them out loud after dinner on Tuesdays. This game served as this week’s replacement. I thought it was funny.

I wanted to give some love to the Williamsport football team. I reached out to a few of my guys several weeks back. I enjoyed our great conversations. It was fantastic to catch up. I had everything ready. Then I went to the sideline. So, instead of submitting that article, I plan to tell you more at a later date. The Millionaires are off to a great start. They are currently 4-1. Williamsport lost a heartbreaker to Selinsgrove last week. It was an outstanding game. Back and forth. Tremendous crowd. They definitely had their chances. The Millionaires will need to regroup fast. They are in the middle of a super tough stretch. Tonight, they play at Jersey Shore, and then it is Shamokin. Both teams are legit. So is the Heartland Conference. Kudos to Lucas Naughton and Owen Newcomer for their time. They both gave me some great stuff. I will tell you more about these fine young lads down the road.

Unfortunately, there was an incident at Williamsport High this week. I am sure that you have heard about it. I do not want to get into the specifics. It is a touchy subject. But I question those who are so quick to point fingers. Everyone has all of the right answers. Breaking news. Again. Our administration has been under fire. Yes. They have had to deal with many tough situations. This is another. It is a different age, kids. Every school district is facing the new unexpected. Gun control is a serious and major problem. PERIOD. It always has and will be. I have my thoughts but chose not to share them on Facebook. I encourage my friends to think before they type. Blasting the entire school district gets us absolutely nowhere. Changes need to be made. Understood. They handled the situation the best they could.

The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. This news is both concerning and unsettling. This is not who we are, and there is no place for this kind of behavior in our schools. The district has protocols in place for emergency operations that provide an organized, coordinated, and common-sense approach to working through emergencies we may encounter. We followed all protocols diligently in this situation, and immediate action was taken. The district will pursue the most aggressive disciplinary measures allowed by School Code and applicable laws in response to this serious violation. We will always prioritize the safety of our students and staff, and we remain committed to providing a secure environment for learning. For the next several days, the district will increase visible police presence for cautionary measures. WAHS

I am very proud of the Williamsport Area School District. This goes well beyond the sports teams. Name another place that can compete with our academics and extracurriculars. I graduated in 1995, and I love the Williamsport Millionaires. Our high school is exceptional. So are our teachers. There are so many opportunities and outstanding programs.

I was up to my alma mater on Wednesday. My son and the Millionaire Singers sang the National Anthem at a volleyball game. It was a brilliant performance. We stayed for the first few frames. Great kids were everywhere. They were wearing matching shirts. Cheering and supporting their classmates. It was beautiful. Please don’t let a few bad apples ruin the overall experience. Cheers.