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Peace and Tranquility

Peace and Tranquility

Do you have a favorite place or spot that is your happy place? Somewhere that just makes you so happy to be there? A beautiful oasis you go to in order to get away, or that special spot in your home that just makes you feel good on a bad day?

Maybe it’s your back porch where you sit outside in the morning and drink coffee. You sit and listen to the birds chirping while watching the sunrise.

Maybe it’s just being in your garden, watching everything you planted quickly come to life. A bee or butterfly flies by and lands on a gorgeous zinnia.

Is it a little cozy nook in your home where you can sit in the quiet and spend time just praying or reading? Light a few candles, grab a cozy blanket, and just sit in your thoughts.

Maybe it’s by your beautiful pool, watching your kids or grandkids laugh and having fun while you soak up some sun sipping on your favorite beverage.

I think everyone has a special spot like this somewhere in their home.

Being in my kitchen with Sinatra playing while cooking a favorite recipe is relaxing to me. I love being in my kitchen cooking for my family. It makes me feel good.

Another spot is on our back porch, watching our wildlife or just sitting in our living room snuggling with Kenzy. I’d still snuggle with Tyler if he let me. Haha! Unfortunately, he is bigger than me now, so that’s a bit harder.

Your spot may not even be at home. Maybe it’s somewhere you have to drive to? A cabin or special spot you have with your family. A place you go to make memories and feel like you are getting away. We all need a place like this.

We are blessed enough to have our family cabin and our river lot. Just somewhere to go and get away without going that far. Now, that is my kind of family vacation! Our river lot is definitely our home away from home. We spend two weeks down there over the fourth of July, which is so relaxing. When we aren’t home, we don’t feel the need to have to do this or that.

For instance, when I am at home, I love to unwind in a relaxing spot somewhere right before bed. I just took a nice hot shower and put on my favorite cozy robe. (Yo, don’t judge me for wearing a robe. They are my favorite!) I head to my favorite couch, grab a soft blanket, light a candle, and dim the lights. I’m relaxed and ready to enjoy a few moments to myself. (When I get the chance.)

I then remember that I need to switch over the laundry. I go downstairs to do that, then remember I need to pull meat out of the freezer for the next day for dinner. I come upstairs to put that in the refrigerator and remember I still need to pack Chris’s lunch for work the next day. So, I start to do that. By this time, it’s time to get my kids around for bed — there go my few moments I had planned for that evening.

But at the river, there is no to-do list! That’s the beauty of it. There is no laundry to do. No major chores other than a quick vacuum job in our camper or the kids’ pop up. Not much to dust or things to clean. No bills to worry about, as I paid them before we left.

Just us being together surrounded by the mountains, flowing river, and our crazy fun neighbors. When I wake up, I just ease into the morning until our kids get up. Drinking hot tea in our hammock by the water and watching the boats go by is my favorite.

I know not everyone has a river lot or cabin, and it doesn’t have to be that. Just a special spot in your home or a scenic place you can drive to gives you peace and tranquility. We only have one life, and time is a thief. Don’t spend it working constantly. Take moments out of your day for yourself, and don’t feel guilty for needing that time.

Easy Pretzel Sandwiches

Kings Hawaiian just came out with these mini pretzel buns that are seriously worth dying for. I found them at Weis in Jersey Shore, next to the deli.

When we went on vacation to North Carolina, I made them for an easy lunch in the car while traveling. Everyone loved them!!

I cut the rolls in half and placed mayo on both sides. I then used American cheese, folded smoked turkey breast slices, and placed it on the bottom half of the rolls. Place the top rolls on top, then cut each slider so it is ready to grab and go.

I then placed the sandwiches back in the Kings Hawaiian Roll bag on the white insert they came in and put them in the refrigerator until we left.

Use your favorite meats and cheese to create your family favorite. Add veggies, too! I would have used lettuce, but I didn’t have any because I was leaving for a week.

They were still awesome, just the way they were. Enjoy whatever way you choose to make them.