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Prayers for 2022

Here we are — another year has gone by. I swear this year went quicker than the last. They say the older we get, the faster time goes, and I believe it. I’m not even that darn old and already ask, “where does the time go!?”

I just pray that this year, 2022, will be even better than the last two years. It’s been rough on all of us living in this nightmare of COVID and things changing so fast in our country.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6

Don’t go off on the people running this country. Trust in the almighty God to get you through the year. He always loves, provides, and is in control. It’s so important to remember this. Only you and God can make it a good year. Stay positive! Pray! Set goals! Be kind! How do you feel about the New Year? Do you look forward to a new goal or mission for 2022? What are you looking forward to this year?

I have a few things, but I’ve never been a resolution person. I like it to be a lifestyle change, so I stick with it all year, not just the month of January, and give up. I’ve done good with goals I’ve set each year, but my mission for this year is two things. First, I want to hit that 80lbs. That means I would be at my wedding weight, which means I have about 20lbs to go. My mission over three years ago was to start losing weight. I’ve stuck to it, year after year, teaching and learning so many things. I’ve learned to maintain and build muscle. I’ve taught myself to eat better but still enjoy all the good stuff too! I’m proof with losing that 60lbs and kept it off. Oh, you will have the “know it alls” tell you that you can’t eat this or that. No carbs. No sugar. Blah, blah, blah. Well, I’m here to tell you it’s all about portion control and calories in, calories out. Don’t deprive yourself! If you want to lose weight this year, you can do it. Don’t give up! Start with one small bad habit at a time. Don’t rush it. Trust the process and still enjoy things you love.

Lastly is reading. Gosh, I hate to read. I wish I enjoyed it — never have. One reason is that I don’t really have the time. I don’t even get the time to look at magazines, let alone sit and dive into a book. I don’t get much quiet time either. I need it quiet to read and write, and my quiet time consists of writing my column and in the mornings during my workouts. My kids know that it’s Momma’s time when I am working out. If you come up to interrupt my reps and sets to tattle, ummm, somebody better be bleeding! Kenzy will come up and workout with me sometimes. She gets her little 2lb. dumbbells and will do reps with me. It’s so cute! My kids just understand my journey and the need to get my workout in with my weight loss. They know the routine that I have never given up on. I just thought if I could commit myself to read like I have exercise, that I could do it!

I want to read the Bible or commit myself to some kind of devotional throughout the year. I give my time in exercise to my body; why can’t I commit to reading more about the Lord to grow even closer with Him when He gave his body to save me!? I never thought I’d EVER exercise faithfully, just like I am sitting here doubting myself on reading each day. I just have to pray for God to help me enjoy reading and find something to read that I can get into. I need this, and time with the Lord is well spent. Set a goal no matter how big or how small.

I’m looking forward to hitting new numbers this year with my new legs (insert one of my famous big smiles here!) and building even more confidence after getting pesky veins removed this January. I’m also looking forward to a vacation with all of our friends this year in Gatlinburg in our charming log cabin. I always look forward to making more memories, watching my kids grow, and growing my relationship more with God. Trusting in Him is the best thing anyone can ever do, and as we jump into 2022, rely on him. Don’t worry about things WE CAN NOT control!

Live your life, trust in Him, and all will be fine. Happy New Year!!

*Oldie but goodie, and perfect for a New Year’s Eve Party!*

Brown Sugar Glaze Bacon Wrapped Sausage
• 1 package (16 Oz. Size) Little Smokies Sausages
• 1 pound Bacon Strips
• 1 cup Brown Sugar, For Sprinkling

Preheat oven to 400ºF.

Cut bacon slices in half and wrap each smokie with a half strip of bacon. Place all the wrapped smokies in a single layer in a baking dish, or rimmed sheet pan. Take some brown sugar and sprinkle evenly over the smokies. Bake for about 20–30 minutes or until bacon is nice and crisp (bake times will vary).

These babies won’t last long, and don’t count on leftovers.