Summer can fly by. Because summer can sometimes seem to come and go in a flash, it’s important for everyone to make the most of this relaxing time of year.
Vacations from work and school are great ways to make summer memories, and the following are some ways to get even more out of these relaxing breaks from the norm.
• Disconnect for a few days. Truly disconnect from electronic devices for a period of time to give yourself a mental break. Stop answering work emails, avoid social media and turn off reminders of things that do not need your attention while you are on vacation or taking a break.
• Book a trip. It’s not the destination but the opportunity to step away from the norm that can help make a person feel like he or she has truly gotten a break. Get away from your surroundings, if only for a weekend. Nearby resorts and water parks are great for short jaunts with the kids.
• Take a week off just to relax. Sometimes a person needs to recharge after going on vacation, as planning a trip and then the trip itself can require a lot of work. Staycations or devoting another week to just lounging around or catching up on tasks around the house can ease pressure. Then it’s possible to go back to work or school feeling even more recharged.
• Get out of the house or office. What’s the good of sunny skies and hot temperatures if you do not get to enjoy them? Make it a point to spend time outdoors every day. Go for a midday walk, sit in the park after work lets out or throw the ball around with the kids in the backyard. Sunlight can be great for the mind and body. Doctors with the Heliotherapy, Light, and Skin Research Center at Boston University Medical Center say sunlight triggers the release of serotonin and other hormones associated with a good mood. Increased exposure to sunlight also can regulate circadian rhythms for better sleep. Sunlight can trigger the release of nitric oxide into blood vessels, helping to lower blood pressure.
• Explore summer programs. Adults and children can try new skills and explore different talents this summer. Sign up for a camp or a class that runs several weeks. This will help stimulate the mind.
• Visit friends and family. Now that schedules have loosened up, take the opportunity to increase time spent with friends or family members, whether they live close by or far away. Make it a point to reconnect with someone who has been out of touch.
Summer is a great time of year to take vacations and reconnect with nature and loved ones.
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