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  • The Roving Sportsman… What’s in Your Turkey Vest?0

    When it comes to hunting, there is probably no segment of hunters more eager to have the “latest gadgets and gear” than turkey hunters. As we ready our vest for spring gobbler hunting, let’s look at some of the basic tools you should be carrying. The more time you spend in the turkey woods, and

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Look at Upcoming Habitat Projects0

    Well finally! This Thursday, March 20, 2025, marks the first day of spring, and after a colder-than-usual winter, it couldn’t arrive soon enough! With the warmer temperatures and intermittent rains, we should turn our attention to habitat work that will benefit all forms of wildlife. First things first. Probably the most important key to creating

  • The Roving Sportsman… Proper Care of Apple Trees0

    Time is our most valuable asset. In everything we do, we must constantly consider how best to use our time. When it comes to habitat improvement, one of the best uses of our time is to locate and care for old apple trees and add new apple trees that will provide years of production that

  • The Roving Sportsman… Off-Season Tasks0

    I think (or at least I hope!) that winter temperatures are finally beginning to move upward. If you are like me, you are probably itching to get outside instead of just sitting around waiting for next fall for the hunting seasons to begin! This time of year is great for addressing some key tasks that

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prime Time to Hunt Vulnerable Coyotes0

    Throughout Pennsylvania and neighboring states, we are at the peak of the coyote breeding season. That means that we are in a prime time of the year to hunt one of our state’s most prolific predators. Both males and females are out and about during daylight hours more than usual, working up an appetite not

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pennsylvania Preliminary 2025-26 Seasons Approval0

    In their recent meeting, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners gave preliminary approval to the 2025-26 hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits. The preliminary seasons and bag limits are nearly identical to those in place for 2024-25. The one modification proposed for the 2025-26 season relates to snowshoe hares. Because the hare population is


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