
Latest Issue

  • County Hall Corner: 2019: Not an “Off” Year0

    In political parlance, an election year that does not have any gubernatorial or national offices on the ballot is considered an “off” year. This means that the turnout will be expected to be low, as all the races are for the most local, and these generally do not arise much passion in the general electorate.

  • PIT Count slated for January 22,2020 – Volunteers, donations needed0

    On January 22, 2020, volunteers and staff of Lycoming County’s homeless service providers will distribute items to homeless adults and children during the annual point-in-time (PIT) Count. During this time, volunteers canvas the entire county to get a real-time picture of homelessness in our area and distribute hygiene items and cold-weather accessories Volunteers to help

  • The Week’s LION: Holiday with a Heart0

    Is there any other holiday that has so many traditions associated with it? Everything from Christmas caroling to baking cookies to candlelight services to Candy Cane Lane, the activities surrounding Christmas and New Years are almost endless. There are personal traditions, like Scott Metzger, the new Lycoming County Commissioner who for the past 39 years

  • Gazette and Bulletin: January 2, 1940 – Williamsport Planning Mill, Homes Destroyed by Fire0

    The Williamsport Planing Mill, Campbell and First Streets and six frame homes on First Street were destroyed by raging, spectacular fire early yesterday morning. The loss has placed at between $350,000 and $400,000 by Lawrence E. Krimm, plant manager. The fire claimed one life. Frank Fulkrod, 63, residing at 760 First Street, in the block

  • Grouse Priority Area Siting Tool Launches: Destined to be a game-changer in grouse restoration0

    Pennsylvania’s state bird, the ruffed grouse, has suffered dramatic population losses due to the statewide scarcity of young forests and large-scale West Nile virus die-offs. To offset those losses, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has created a tool to identify prime grouse recovery areas. “The Game Commission recognizes that all conservation partners must work smarter, not

  • ‘Daniel Tiger’ and Friends are Coming to Williamsport0

    Northcentral Pennsylvania will be home to countless smiles and warm hearts to begin the new year, thanks to some new “neighbors.” “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live: Neighbor Day,” based on the Emmy Award-winning and top-rated “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” animated television series that airs daily on PBS Kids, will begin its national tour at Williamsport’s Community Arts

  • A Christmas Blessing and Story…0

    If you know Father John Manno, you can’t help but love him. He has been a true blessing to our community for decades. I thank him for sharing his Christmas card and message for this glorious season with all of us. It began with the simple cry of a baby … And grew into a

  • Blaise Alexander Christmas Coloring Contest Winners!

    Blaise Alexander Christmas Coloring Contest Winners!0

    The following are the Winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest! Congratulations to all of our winners and many thanks to all of our entrants! We had over 400 entries this year! You kiddos wore our elves out with judging!! We’d also like to thank all of the people who offered

  • Credit Union Donates Bikes to Local Toys for Tots

    Credit Union Donates Bikes to Local Toys for Tots0

    Horizon Federal Credit Union of Williamsport, PA donated a dozen bicycles as part of the local Marine Corp Toys for Tots drive. The donation continues a tradition started 16 years ago by William Craver. A Horizon member for over 25 years, Mr. Craver would purchase and assemble bicycles to bring into the Horizon branch at

  • I’m So Thankful For…

    I’m So Thankful For…0

    I’m thankful for everything that helps me the tiniest bit. Are you? I’m thankful for family, God, food and water. I’m especially thankful for my family. My family helps me get through things. For example, once my hamster died they made me think about the good times. My family is loving and caring. They will

  • Grit: December 28, 1969 – Last Snowfall Still Hampers Area Activities0

    As the area continued to dig out of the snowfall, which struck the region Thursday, the threat of a new storm looms as a possibility to hit here as early as Monday. When the overcast sky broke Sunday afternoon to end the storm, which began at about 4 p.m. Christmas Day, the area lay under

  • The Wartime Yuletide of 19440

    The Yuletide of 75 years ago, 1944, was a mixture of dread, joy, and anticipation. There was joy and anticipation because the Allies in both the European and Pacific Theaters were making great gains against the Nazis and the Japanese, and there seemed to be real hope that the war might soon be winding down