
Latest Issue

  • Former Local Woman Is Co-Producer of Hit Cable Series “Better Call Saul”0

    “Better Call Saul” has been one of the hottest series on cable for the past five years. It is on the network, AMC. The co-producer of the current season of the show is a former Williamsport area woman, Trina Siopy. Trina is the daughter of Sophia Daskalakis and Chris Siopy. Webb Weekly interviewed Trina about

  • County Hall Corner: Help Wanted0

    There are state and federal job openings, so spread the word! For starters, the United States Census Bureau is still looking for help in knocking on doors after April 1st. Between March 12-20, a notification will be sent to every home, inviting them to participate in the census either online, by phone, or by mail.

  • Saint Patrick’s Day is for Everyone0

    Who was Saint Patrick? Originally born near the end of the fourth century in Britain, probably Wales, he was captured by Irish pirates in his teens and was forced to work as a shepherd. In his early twenties, Patrick was able to escape and return to Britain, and sometime later had some kind of visionary

  • Grit: March 11, 1962 – Low Patronage May Bring End of Two Trains0

    Citing operation losses, the Pennsylvania Railroad has asked permission to drop its two daytime passenger trains serving Greater Williamsport. The trains, one northbound and the other southbound, between Harrisburg and Buffalo, have been operating at a loss since 1959, according to Christy G. Magruder, manager of the P.R.R. Northern Region. In a recent 32-day period

  • County Hall Corner: Fossil Laws0

    A fossil is a plant or animal that was once alive, but after death, rather than decaying, it became set in stone and left an imprint of itself in stone. This is a good description of certain laws that made sense many, many moons ago when they originally came into being, but have long since

  • Archaeology Group to Host 4th Annual Indian Artifact Fair

    Archaeology Group to Host 4th Annual Indian Artifact Fair0

    Do you enjoy learning about prehistoric cultures in Lycoming County, and want to learn more about an organization that explores and promotes our archaeological past and to share your collected curiosities? The Fourth Annual NCC8 Indian Artifact Fair is the place for you. The Northcentral Chapter 8, Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology will host the educational

  • 61st Annual West Branch0

    Now that spring seems to be in the air, it might be time to start thinking about those home improvement projects, both indoors and outdoors. You have the perfect opportunity and venue to get even more serious about those ideas when the 61st West Branch Susquehanna Builders Association (WBSBA) Home Show is held this weekend,

  • Girls’ Night Out

    Girls’ Night Out0

    For a young group of middle school athletes, the opportunity to see a Division One team play is exciting in its own right. Add to that, sitting courtside and looking across the gym to see one of the most prolific scorers and, arguably one of the best ever from Pennsylvania and Penn State University women’s

  • The Week’s LION: Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Lycoming County0

    Positions Open: Candidates do not need special talents or abilities, but those that would fill these opening must have an open heart, a kind disposition, and a willingness to be a mentor, listener, and friend for a child facing adversity. The benefit package is the satisfaction of knowing that you can change the life of a

  • County Hall Corner – Annabel R. Miller: A True Public Servant0

    Some terms, like fashions, go out of style. One of those terms is “public servant.” Once upon a time, an individual who worked for the government would generally have to make significant sacrifices. But over the past decades with the emergence of unionization and increased benefits, the term that is more often used today is

  • Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week is March 8 to 140

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most widespread disabling neurological condition of young adults around the world. You can develop MS at any age, but most people receive diagnoses between the ages of 20 and 50. The week of March 8 to 14 is MS Awareness Week, which is designed to shine a light and enhance

  • Grit: March 4, 1973 – Hearing Scheduled on Countywide Network of Police Communications0

    Public hearings wlll be held at 7:30 p.m. March 26 at the Lycoming County Courthouse on the problems of present emergency communications systems operating in the county. Called by the Lycoming County Planning Commission, the hearings will be used as part of the commission’s study on a possible county-wide communications network. “The hearings are for